How do I fix damaged drywall in my bathroom?

by Renae
  9 answers
  • Can you post a photo? Sometimes the damage is too much, cheaper and easier to remove or cut out the damaged area and install new. What exactly is damaged and how much?

  • Vimarhonor Vimarhonor on Jun 06, 2020

    Hello could you possibly post a photograph to better see your current drywall situation? Having a visual might be best guidance to a help find the best suggestions or potential solution to offer. Its best know what you are dealing with before offering broad suggestions

    What is the damage from— if it’s water damage it might be all it might need to be all cut away and replaced versus patching a small defect. It’s hard to know how extensive your drywall problem is or how to offer repair advice.

  • Ken Erickson Ken Erickson on Jun 06, 2020

    A photo of the damage would help. However, the damaged section needs to be cut out and a patch placed in the hole. Create the patch first and trace around it to mark where to cut. Stores sell drywall saws that do a good job. The patch needs solid support. If your patch doesn't span 2 wall studs, Insert thin strips of wood into the hole and use drywall screws to hold them in place. Insert your patch and screw into the supports. Add tape and drywall mud to complete the patch. Sand and repaint. There are You Tube videos showing how to work with drywall. The home improvement stores sell small sections of drywall.

  • Mogie Mogie on Jun 06, 2020

    Without a picture we don't know what needs to be fixed.

  • Renae Renae on Jun 06, 2020

    Here's the picture

    comment photo
  • Deb K Deb K on Jun 06, 2020

    Hi Renae, here is a video showing how to do drywall patch using a new piece of drywall, hope it helps you out!

  • Em Em on Jan 02, 2021

    Since we don't have any idea how badly it is damaged we can only guess. If it is a small hole patch with spackling/joint compound, sand and repaint. If it is a much larger piece, cut a new piece of drywall and cut the old area out to a stud on either side. The adjoining piece should rest halfway on the stud and the new piece should do the same. Add dry wall tape to the edges and spackle the seam, sand smooth and repaint.

  • Cynthia H Cynthia H on Feb 09, 2021

    Hi! I saw your picture in the comments section. If the sheetrock isn't crumbling or loose in any way, you can usually smooth out a rough wall with spackle, a sponge and a scraper/putty knife (I prefer damp sanding with a sponge, to sanding, when I can). The biggest mistake most people make with spackle, is trying to put too much on at a time. For a nice finish, you want to fill it in a layer at a time. It will shrink a little as it dries. Put too much on at a time will also result in cracking. Sanding should be done when the spackle is completely dry. A wide scraper and a narrow scraper will give you control. Smooth it with each layer, and it will cut down on the sanding. It's easier to replace a large section, unless you have trouble getting a sheet of sheetrock (a full sheet, usually 4'x8' is awkward, heavy for some people and requires installation in the opening, a vehicle large enough to handle it). A plus with replacement in a bathroom, is a sheetrock made for damper areas like bathrooms. Good luck!

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Sep 12, 2021

    Use a filler from DIY store for small areas or patch with new dry wall or replace all dry wall.