Summer Bird Bath and Winter Bird Feeder

8 Materials
30 Minutes

My garden is for the birds, for any of the plantings and trees I take them into consideration. They provide them with both food and protection but we do sometimes have dry spells in Summer that make it a little more challenging for them to get access to nearby drinking water. If you provide the access they'll definitely take advantage of the offerings so now I had to come up with ways to help them get water.

One size Doesn't Fit All

I caught a blue jay taking sips from my watering can the other day and knew that was fine for the bigger birds but I needed something for the little ones?? What can I whip up in a hurry?

Practical but Not Pretty

I have used leftover food trays in the past, it was fine but it got dirty fast and my dog might drink from it if he was desperate and I didn't want that! He also might try to pee on point in hiding that fact!

Supplies Gathered

I came up with a quick plan on the fly, I gathered the supplies I figured I'd need and sprung into action! I have a red oxide primer, chocolate brown spray paint, a small ceramic bird, a few smooth pebbles, E6000 glue, a brown, plastic charger plate and an old, fibreglass flowerpot. Missing from this photo is a pool noodle because as I said I came up with this quickly and altered the plans as I went along.

Spray and More Spray

I washed the flowerpot first to remove dust and dirt, then I flipped it over and laid it on a rock situated far in the back of my yard. I sprayed two coats of the primer followed with about two of the brown top coat but hmmm, that looked rather boring! What now?

Impromptu Step

I saw the circle design in the charger plate and click, click...a pool noodle slice popped into my head. Cut off just a slice...we are not using the full noodle, they are too precious to waste.

Adding O's

I worked a little bit on the technique before I managed a better system to do this so I'm saving you that frustration. I'd add a tiny amount of brown spray to the area I wanted the circle to stamp, press it over wet paint immediately, let it sit there. Spray your next space like you'll see a fresh spritz here to the right of the circle...I'm moving there next.

Lift and Shift

As I lifted off the pool noodle stamp I saw that it would remove some of the top paint layer to reveal that lighter, primer layer that I sprayed on was PERFECT! So spray and smooch on the noodle, spray next spot, shift noodle and smooch again... thats it!

Not Boring Anymore

Look at that texture and the two tone color.....I did it! I got the exact look I wanted! Winner, winner Barbecue Dinner! *NOTE: USE COLORS TO HIGHLIGHT your project, I just used these specific shades to coordinate with my colors.

Adding Cuteness

That little wee bird was sold as a flowerpot sitter, it had feet that would clamp over the edge of the flower pot. Well, I removed his legs long ago but he'll be able to sit on the smooth rock I chose and tilt to get a drink. I used E6000 glue, I wouldn't use anything else when it comes to securing rocks or glass together it's easy to use, dries fast and really seals the deal for my projects.

Propped in Position

I placed another temporary pebble underneath his chest to hold his position until the glue dried. As I mentioned before I want it to look as if he's taking a sip of water.

Taking a Sip

So the glue has dried, the pebble wasn't glued onto the plate nor was the plate glued onto the flowerpot because this will allow me to remove these pieces to clean them. Please, please keep the water fresh and clean. I added about a cup of water to fill it so I'll be able to spray it off and refresh it easily with my garden hose.

Circles Match Up Perfectly

I am so pleased with the finish on the flowerpot it looks as if it was a purchased set how the finishes are so coordinated. Its not only pretty, it serves a purpose in my garden throughout the seasons.

Winter Use

This is where the idea really sprang from I guess, on those really cold days when I get so many birds visiting my feeders I use this station as an overflow. These are Red Crossbills and they are one of my favourite birds to visit my garden. Here the base was cropped out of the pic because the flowerpot didn't look so pretty against the charger plate.

Sitting Pretty

Here it is sitting at the front of my shrub bed, it gets morning sunlight and afternoon shade.

Two Watering Holes

I now have two water stations set up for the birds. The watering can is kept full for those who want a really big chug-a-lug of water and the new station is for the smaller birds to slurp up or splash in! I can't wait to see them use it!

Final Look

It really looks sweet from afar too I think and for a just an half hour of my time it was so worth it to carry out my plan.

Another Angle

Here it is seen from behind in the early morning sunlight, I do think if nothing else it adds a little charm and whimsy and gardens need that too.

The Rewards

The birds provide me with hours of free entertainment and I've even managed to tame and hand feed a few species! They reward me with so much joy, love and wonder, so why wouldn't I put in a little effort to make their life better? I hope this has inspired you to always, always especially now during these trying times to be kind to our feathered friends.

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3 of 4 questions
  • Igor Igor on May 23, 2022

    Since the base is plastic, any issues on windy days? We live in wide open country so Im trying to imagine a way to anchor it so that it doesnt end up in my way back pasture.

  • Barbara Lewis Barbara Lewis on May 23, 2022

    My mother always fed the birds in our backyard when I was growing up. I'm almost seventy (70) years old now and I have always fed the birds, especially in the winter time. I always put a few rocks in my bird bath and that gives the beautiful butterflies a place to land on so they can get a sip of water, too!!!

  • Put8477154 Put8477154 on May 22, 2023

    I like this idea but there are squirrels in our yard all over and come to where I have our bird feeders. Don't you have trouble with them seeing on ground and they will take over? How would you keep this from happening? Thanks Madonna

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4 of 14 comments
  • Great job. I have a few square chargers and I'm going to give it a try . Thanks for the inspiration.

    • I'm sure the birds will be grateful, enjoy your nature watching. Thanks for stopping by too! This is the Winter view here this morning, the two purpose stand is in the background beyond the dove and is very well used!

      comment photo
  • Sandy Lindquist Sandy Lindquist on May 21, 2023

    oh I just love doing these things for our critters. Problem is, everytime I put any sort of food or water or bird bath out in the summer the hawks fly in and kill our little friends so I had to stop. This makes me want to try again though so I will have to think about it!!

    • Yes you did the right thing! I have heard that by removing the feeder for a few weeks the predator moves on so you can try to resume feeding afterwards.
