How to remove old caulk?

by 1cs1267

I have a 40 year old enamel/porcelain cast iron kitchen sink. Believe it or not, after sitting outside for 20 plus years, it is in almost mint condition! Only problem is all the old caulk that was put around the rim when installing the stainless steel hudee (sp?) ... I used a plastic scraper but it only removed a little of the caulk. Any suggestions on a product that would remove the caulk without damaging the finish? thanks

  5 answers
  • Recreated Designs Recreated Designs on Sep 20, 2020

    Wow what a wonderful treasure!! (and sounds like it is as sturdy as it is strong!!) Can you try a straight blade like a razor? You could slip the blade under the caulking and it might come off...

    • See 1 previous
    • Recreated Designs Recreated Designs on Sep 21, 2020

      That's wonderful! I am so glad the goo gone worked!! I would love to have an old sink like that... they are so beautiful! You will have to share a picture when you get it all done. I'd love to see it :)

  • Janice Janice on Sep 20, 2020

    Here's a video that may help..........

  • on Sep 20, 2020

    Try a razor blade.

  • Kathy Gunter Law Kathy Gunter Law on Sep 21, 2020

    You can get a caulk removal tool for less than $10 at a hardware or big box store. I would think that's the best method of removal. You might want to heat it with a hair dryer to make it more pliable.

  • Cheryl A Cheryl A on Sep 24, 2020

    here is some info for you