How to paint paneling?

by Monicapiquette

I would like to paint my paining a neutral color

  8 answers
  • Cheryl A Cheryl A on Feb 25, 2021

    Here is info for you

  • Dee Dee on Feb 25, 2021

    First dust the paneling off well. Then you can prime with a stain blocking primer. Use a brush to get into the grooves. Then use a good Purdy roller and paint whatever color you want to match your room. If you want to fill in the lines on the paneling you can do so with wood filler, but then that will need to be sanded down and oh what a mess. Painting makes it look like shiplap.

  • William William on Feb 25, 2021

    Make sure the paneling is clean and dry. Prime with a good stain blocking primer like Kilz. Then paint like painting regular walls. Acrylic latex paint will work. If the paneling has grooves you can fill them with non shrink drywall patching compound. Just put on enough to fill the grooves. Let it dry overnight. Next day use a damp sponge to smooth the patch. Then prime and paint.

  • Daisie Daisie on Feb 26, 2021

    1) Clean the paneling before doing anything make sure there's no dirt in your panel.

    2) Fill the holes and cracks with wood putty and trim the extra particles of putty with sandpaper

    3) Apply caulks to fill any gaps between paneling planks.

    4) Before applying paint apply a thin layer of primer to all of the paneling using a foam roller or brush

    5) Apply a thin layer of your paint to all paneling surfaces. Start at the top and work your way down

    6) Then apply your desire color all over the paneling surface.

  • Annie Annie on Feb 27, 2021

    Here's a link that shows how to paint wood. Amazing how it can brighten up the entire room for the cost of the paint

  • Jeremy Hoffpauir Jeremy Hoffpauir on Feb 28, 2021

    The key to painting is prepping the surface. Clean, fill holes, prime, and 2 coats of your favorite paint.

  • Clean it well with a degreaser like TSP substitute, prime it, then paint.