Putting in a new electrical outlet

by Sally
I want to have a heated towel warmer next to my shower where there is a good sized wall but there is no electrical outlet. On the opposite side of the wall (facing the bedroom) there is an outlet. Would I be able to access that electrical connection for the bedroom outlet to put in an outlet on the bathroom side? I wanted to do it myself if easy enough but would it be considered too difficult for someone, who is inexperienced but willing to learn, reading directions and getting help from the local hardware store?
  4 answers
  • This is something that you can do, however there are a few things you need to understand. Outlets for towel warmers or any high energy use appliance typically require their own circuit by code. So the outlet your thinking of tapping into may not be used. Also not knowing the age of your home. Many have sub-standard wiring within the walls. While they may be fine for a bedroom outlet for a TV or a light or two, the warmer most likely will pull to much power and could cause a short somewhere else in the house. Assuming you even could tap into this branch wiring. You also need to be aware of distances to water devices within the bathroom. The outlet would need to be GFCI protected. And maintain a safe distance from tub, shower and toilet. While I applaud your willingness to go it alone, with guidance, I strongly suggest that you get the pro in there to do it for you. Perhaps you can run the wire from the panel to the bathroom to save some money on this. Had this been just a outlet in a room, then it is something that the average home owner could do with the correct guidance. But when it comes to wet locations, better left to your local pro. Your safety is not worth the cost of having this done for you.
    comment photo
  • Sally Sally on Aug 04, 2012
    That was really helpful. I will definitely get a pro!
  • Walter Reeves Walter Reeves on Aug 05, 2012
    I hesitate to rain on your parade, but I installed an outlet for my towel warmer, used it for six months and finally took it out because the towels were never very warm.
  • Sally Sally on Aug 13, 2012
    Oh great! I think I might try a medium cost portable towel warmer that I can put away in the warmer months (I am in NC). What brand did you have so I can avoid it?