i want an inexpensive way to decorate my porch with a simple wooden chair some paint and flowers

  3 answers
  • Perhaps you could provide a few photos of the porch and the side of the house were it is. Lots of real helpful folks that can provide you with answers you never thought of before.
  • Jeanette S Jeanette S on Aug 18, 2012
    I have a very narrow porch... only 6 ft' but it is long. We have wire mesh furniture given to us years and years ago that belonged to my husband's folks...so we just could not part with it and the newer stuff is so large it was not suitable for our needs. So with some careful bargin hunting and gathering up everything we could find around the house to redo (bird ouseses, birdcages, etc, we redid the entire porch, pots for the steps and added flowers for about $250 at the most. The only thing new are the cushions, some potting soil and flowers, and about 10 cans of spray paint! We tied it together with pots on the steps.
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  • Carrie Lonsdale Carrie Lonsdale on Jul 14, 2015
    Looks great.