Something for my window but not curtains

Debra Johnston
by Debra Johnston
We have a very rustic home with a lot of wood, in my bedroom I have painted the shiplap walls light grey with chalkpaint so you can still see the wood and knots. I need something for my 2 windows but not curtains, any ideas of what to use instead of curtains??
wall color on shiplap in bedroom
  17 answers
  • Marcella T Marcella T on Jan 01, 2015
    something out of burlap or flour sacks would be pretty with your look. wouldn't have to be curtains - could be a valance or balloon shade, for example.
  • Z Z on Jan 01, 2015
    A picture of the whole room would help. As it is, my only thought would be some sort of rustic shutters.
  • Marion Nesbitt Marion Nesbitt on Jan 02, 2015
    Is there a reason you don't want curtains? I was thinking a plaid would be nice.
  • Lura Lumsden Lura Lumsden on Jan 02, 2015
    @MaryStLouis I LOVE THOSE!!! Yes. Those are amazing.
  • Sheryl Johnson Sheryl Johnson on Jan 02, 2015
    What's the rest of the decor? How many windows? If you're a fishing enthusiast you could use an old cane pole or rod for the curtain rod, then drape it with some old fish netting hung with a few lures. I've seen an interesting tree branch (very 'branchy') used as window cover. Can you make a miniature ladder and set it on the window sill? Hang folded vintage linens or doilies on it? Just some ideas....
  • Daveicrave Daveicrave on Jan 02, 2015
    glass shelves? burlap triangles hanging? Mason jars? bamboo roller shade?
  • Kristi Kristi on Jan 02, 2015
    You can use shutters, but with all that wood, I would want to soften things up with curtains. Sorry if this doesn't help.
  • Jean Thompson Jean Thompson on Jan 02, 2015
    homespun or Cotton twill looking -1 panel hung on rustic Wood Rod and tied to one side .Depending on what your Bed cover looks like or just a extra wide opaque panel . I have seen matchstick blinds hung at windows or wood shutters.. ...depends on your accents in the room too..
  • Candeelyn Candeelyn on Jan 02, 2015
    What look do you need/like? need privacy, light blocked? If you like the wood look maybe a nice wooden blind.I also have a lot of wood in my home and I think curtains softens things. I've also used roman shades which are easy to make so you can customize the fabric.
  • Susan Lightcap Susan Lightcap on Jan 02, 2015
    If your windows are the wonderful old fashioned mullioned ones, you could do what I did when I was in college, had no money, and needed window coverings: I sandwiched leaves and ferns between sheets of waxed paper, ironing everything together between old tea towels. I then cut the sandwiched pieces to size and attached them to the window panes with tacky wax (the kind used to hold candles in candlesticks). The light coming in the windows was diffused, and no one could see in from the outside.
  • Dobi Dobi on Jan 02, 2015
    where are you located? Have you considered shutters? you can find them at flea markets and thrift stores and if you are on the east coast they would be perfect!
  • Rose Justice Rose Justice on Jan 02, 2015
    I had the same dilemma when we built a log home and inside is also wood. I wanted something at the windows and instead of long or even shorter curtains. I went with just valances to give all of that wood walls and wood around the windows some color. I like changing the valances to different colors for summer season and different colors for fall winter season. LOL
  • Suzanne Melton Suzanne Melton on Jan 03, 2015
    Attached are four ideas. You probably wouldn't do yours in exactly these ways but maybe they'll give you some ideas you CAN use! In most cases, I don't remember where I snagged the screenshots.
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  • Gail Salminen Gail Salminen on Jan 03, 2015
    @Debra Johnston a number of years ago I purchased some string and crystal window treatment - photos to follow. They are light and airy, while I have them paired with heavier panels they could also be paired with some light and wispy panels for a lighter look. One set is in black while the other is in a cream colour.
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  • Karen Reilly Karen Reilly on Aug 27, 2015
    They have these great window clings now try some.
  • Dawn Sigurdson Dawn Sigurdson on Dec 18, 2015
    window treatments for log houses