Color ideas for distressing my funky TV stand

by Lori
It seems I have exhausted my imagination and I'm hoping you can offer color ideas for distressing this Funky Diva. Thanks in advance!
Front (handles unscrew)
More detail of front panel
Levels of becels
Nice shelf
Side panel
  9 answers
  • Patricia Drebit Patricia Drebit on Jan 05, 2015
    The colours are endless, it depends where and how you are going to use it. What are the colours in the room, is it a open concept area?
    • Lori Lori on Jan 05, 2015
      Yes, the amount of colors is what has me lost. I have done many color combinations prior - antique white, yellows, grays, blues, & reds. I am using this in my Yoga space. I would like the colors neutral but not necessarily traditional. Any ideas would be helpful ~ Thank You for commenting!
  • Jennifer Jennifer on Jan 05, 2015
    How about a pewter? You can add some beautiful knobs too. Since it's going in your yoga studio, I would stay away from the bright, funky colors. I think a pewter, or gold would look better than a white, or cream and still be 'neutral'.
    • Lori Lori on Jan 05, 2015
      @Jennifer Thank You - I have an idea now for pewter and maybe a little charcoal with some blue base - thanks for the advice I really appreciate it!
  • Patricia Drebit Patricia Drebit on Jan 05, 2015
    A few different colour combos, if you have some extra wood I would do a few test runs. Just go to paint stores they should have little test pots for little money, hope this gives you a few ideas . Have fun , pics when your done :)
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    • Lori Lori on Jan 05, 2015
      @Patricia Drebit Thanks for the photos of the color coordinates - those Ball jars will have to be another project - I fell in love with them too. The greyscale with green is fabulous!
  • Patricia Patricia on Jan 05, 2015
    I had a similar shaped cabinet (see photos) that I refinished with a dark espresso stain on the top and Old White on the base. I only added light distressing to it. The panels on the front were raised but didn't include the same detailing as yours. The details on yours are beautiful. You could add a glaze on top of your paint and then wipe it off. That would really make the details pop. I would love to see photos of your finished piece!
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    • Lori Lori on Jan 05, 2015
      @Patricia I really like your cabinet! Thanks for the photos - it helps me get an idea of what the potential is. I will post photos!
  • Becky Becky on Jan 05, 2015
    I have a cabinet almost like this. I used a hammered silver spray paint on mine and it turned out very well. I got interesting drawer pulls at Hobby Lobby. It turned out great and has held up for a year.
  • Marion Nesbitt Marion Nesbitt on Jan 06, 2015
    Has lots of details. I particularly like the cross-hatching that looks like quilting. Many layers on the trim - you could do several variations on your main colour to highlight this detail. Sides are framed as you would pictures. You could even paint something Chinese on these like those neat tress, or symbols for Happiness, etc.. I'm thinking pewter with a little glit for highlighting, and tones of gray to a med charcoal so details stand out. Hope you post the final.
  • Lori Lori on Jan 07, 2015
    Thank You for the advice! I am painting( distressed with vaseline )her in brown based Greys (I mixed my own colors)...with the inside a medium deep butter yellow. I'm waiting on knobs/handles until I get her painted....Photos Soon! :) Thanks again!
  • Lori Lori on Jan 09, 2015
    Here's the base color - light gray. Interior color - yellow. There is blue tape on the face of the shelf. The plan is to trim the shelf with the same color as the handles (tbd). Tomorrow - hemp oil resist then dark shade of pewter distressing with sandpaper. I'm wondering if I should gloss the original handles red or navy or look for some funkier metal ones.
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  • Jackie Webb Jackie Webb on Jan 16, 2015
    why not try staining the sticky out bits of carving with a strong solution of coffee ? it is easily painted over if you dont like it but its a great way of antiqueing it just put it on with a lint free cloth and leave to dry. if you like the finish just cover it with a bit of beeswax