Ideas for a small rustic, casual, fireplace.

by Lori
We bought an electric fireplace insert off Kijiji and it comes with a yet to be put together mahogany cabinet. It's for our sunroom we are presently working on and it will be a beachy, casual, bit on the rustic side so I do not want the mahogany cabinet. The insert is approx 22” X 22” sq. and I don't want it to be much bigger than that when all done. I need ideas to build ( with no real skill involved) a rustic surround to enclose this insert, using rough pallet woods or bricks or barn boards. Yes, I will be aware of the fact that it gets hot and follow safety instructions on the box. Any ideas????? These pictures are bad but off the instruction papers. You can see the cabinet I don't want and if you take the sides off and the top, that's about what I want to end up with size wise.
Complete and finished
Just the insert
  2 answers
  • Z Z on Aug 19, 2015
    I'm a bit confused @Lori. You say you want to replace the surround, yet you say you want the finished piece to be not much larger than the insert. Maybe sharing a photo and dimensions of where it's going to be used would help.
    • See 5 previous
    • Z Z on Aug 19, 2015
      @You're welcome Lori, I do too.
  • Sharon Sharon on Sep 02, 2017

    How about just covering the cabinet that came with it in say pallet wood since you say you have no skills to make a cabinet. You could glue pieces on with construction glue and a brad nailer gun. or you could get the wood graining tool and faux paint your cabinet with 2 shades of brown/gray to make it look rustic.