How can I hide an unused shower stall/turn it into a closet?

P Gillies
by P Gillies

Hey guys! I’ve got a stall shower never used in my powder bath and would like to turn it into a broom closet /storage like thing. Thinking how I would cover floor to ceiling if possible with maybe louvre doors. Any ideas?

  5 answers
  • I knew someone who just hung floor to ceiling curtains across hers.

  • Lorraine Lorraine on Aug 26, 2019

    Does it have a glass door still? Maybe just utilize that? You could paint it, and stencil something cute on it. Or just a beautiful stencil all over the glass. Or those faux frosted, stained glass,...window coverings. Seems easier than replacing it.

  • Lifestyles Homes Lifestyles Homes on Aug 26, 2019

    Do you want to permanently change it into storage? As in remove the plumbing faucets and showerheads? And fill in the floor drain?

    If you put in a shelving unit in the shower or something like a chest of drawers, you’ll need to make it so that you can monthly put water in the drain, or the trap will dry out and you have sewer gas coming into your bathroom.

    If you decide to go ahead and hang doors on it and not take out the shower, then I would make sure to not damage the shower stall itself.

    That way if/when you decide to move in the future, then you can sell it as a functioning shower. It will be more of more money that way.

  • Laura Cooper Laura Cooper on Aug 31, 2019

    I've been in a friend's house that did this. Her home is a multi-million dollar home and she just hung a pretty shower curtain over it. You don't even realize it's there as a guest because she keeps the curtain closed.

  • Deb K Deb K on Feb 09, 2022

    Hello, hope this helps you out, you could start by putting up a curtain rod Inside the shower, to hide it you could paint it, use peel and stick or add some faux wood to the exterior, like the louvre doors you mentioned, you could put a small cube storage in the bottom for extra storage as well.