How To Roll Plastic Shopping Bags
Kara S.
(IC: employee)
2 Materials
10 Minutes
Everyone has that 1 spot in their house that holds all the plastic shopping bags. For me, it's under the sink. I stuff them all in there until I need one then they all come flying out. What a disaster. I decided it was time to learn how to roll them into a space-saving dispenser! Heres how -
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We want to help you DIY, so some of the materials in this post are linked to sellers. Just so you know, Hometalk may collect a small share of sales from the links on this page.
First, you fold the bag in half and press all the air out.
Next, you line the bags up. This is the important part - only let the handle from the second bag overlap the first bag. This is what will give you the dispensing effect.
You then fold the top handle back and begin to roll down.
You continue to roll and line the bags up, rolling downward only letting the handles overlap.
Finally, you should have something that looks like this!
My roll fit perfectly into an empty clorox container. I snapped the lid off, inserted the bags through the notches and replaced the cap.
It's so easy! I just sit in front of the TV and roll the bags every so often. It saves SO much space under my sink and not to mention it looks nicer.
Check out the video below to watch me roll the bags!
Enjoyed the project?
Suggested materials:
- Clorox container
- Plastic bags
Published January 10th, 2017 4:53 PM
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2 of 113 comments
Jan58126766 on Feb 27, 2023
Also, as an aside. Someone mentioned she uses these, folded, for cushioning for mailing.
If you have a shredder, use the shredded paper for mail cushioning. Also recycle all those padded envelopes. I just shipped out a full set of dishes, 12, 6 piece place settings, each piece had its own padded envelope. ( I did remove all the tracking info and address, you never know)
Frequently asked questions
Have a question about this project?
What do you do with different size bags
FYI. I used a roll from wrapping paper , put a rubber band at 2 places, and just stuff the bags into the roll...no folding and stands easily in a corner. I use for yard pick up after the dogs so I have 2...one at each door outside.