Asked on Jul 14, 2016

Barn door over carpet

by Ama8510167
I'm planning to install a sliding barn door in my master bedroom, but as I look at the hardware I notice that it comes with floor guides to keep the door in line. Can the floor guides be installed on carpet with radiant floor heat under, or should I leave the floor guides off and hope everything stays in line?
  9 answers
  • Cto Cto on Jul 15, 2016
    remove carpet if not too plush size of guides and glue to floor, via additional plywood size of guide if needed to raise above carpet. Could use without guides, but what if have kids (or adults) over for party and have accident. Scout is prepared!
    • Kathleen A Hardison Kathleen A Hardison on May 28, 2020

      That won’t work because you might be not be able to Cut the carpet accurately enough for the guide to come through the carpet to actually have contact with door and hold it’s place. Some carpet is harder than others. A higher pile will disguise a bad cut a little but a low nap or loop will likely show the cuts, so you’ll need to be precise, precise, precise.

  • Linda Naletko Linda Naletko on Jul 15, 2016
    Leave the floor guides off!
  • Artemis Westenberg Artemis Westenberg on Jul 16, 2016
    I have been living with sliding doors without the guides on the floor for 22 years now and sure the doors wobble a bit , but if you are not too wild in sliding them, you can leave the guides off (apparently)
  • Aime Aime on Jul 16, 2016
    No track over carpet & radiant heat wiring. I would suggest trimming down the door not to mark up the carpet or cause irregular wear.
  • David Ogden David Ogden on Jul 16, 2016
    Do not use the bottom rails do not need them
  • Ama8510167 Ama8510167 on Jul 18, 2016
    I found a solution that does not involve cutting the carpet or leaving the door to swing. Some companies make a wall mounted door guide that is U shaped and attaches to the wall. Unfortunately, they don't want to ship it to me in Alaska, so I am asking a local metal fabricator to create one for me.
    • See 2 previous
    • Kathleen A Hardison Kathleen A Hardison on May 28, 2020

      BUT depending on the width of the door vs. width of opening...The guide that fastens to the wall might need to be placed on the casing...very close to the opening...might not work well, especially if it doesn’t have a corresponding guide on top to also halt the door...maybe a screw on top if no guide...but I can’t figure out how to mount the “floor guide” cuz so far the suggestions didn’t work except the one that says leave guide off

  • Laura Laura on May 14, 2018

    I just googled it, use u shaped floor slides for barn door. Lots for different finishes and styles.

  • Kathleen A Hardison Kathleen A Hardison on Jul 28, 2020

    I found some great guides on amazon that attach to the WALL! The only sit on the carpet so do no damage. The guides are definitly needed cuz the door wants to swing away from the wall and door opening. They are adjustable for door thickness, come in a two pack and are so easy to install!

  • Deb K Deb K on Aug 05, 2021

    Hello, I would just leave the floor guides off