How to build a privacy screen out of old steel windows?

by Jen
I would like to make a privacy screen out of my old steel windows. I have planters that I am going to plant with bamboo, and was going to do this in between those planters. I was thinking of building some sort of frame and maybe doing 3 or 4 small ones on top of each other, and then etching or painting on the glass so they aren't clear. Has anyone attempted to do this in lieu of a fence before? TIA

  2 answers
  • Jcraw Jcraw on May 08, 2018

    Pinterest has several examples of folks who used old windows for a privacy screen. No doubt you can find some inspiration and helpful hints.

    Have fun with this.

    • Jen Jen on May 08, 2018

      All of the pnes I have seen before do so with wood windows, I have never seen any with the steel casement type. I am really just looking for ways to frame them successfully - thanks!

  • Jcraw Jcraw on May 09, 2018


    I would start my planning by choosing whether to build a very large (8’x8’?) frame out of wood or iron pipe. Install/secure in the ground with concrete.

    Then look up “drilling steel windows” for specifics on prep and drill bits necessary. Hang with heavy chain.

    Or plan and research how to wood-frame the windows so hanging will be a bit safer and easier. I’d think a router would be involved to make channels to fit the frame into.

    Whatever you do, particularly if you’re planning to hang multiples, I’d plan to make my giant frame sort of an H, for stability and to secure the windows at the bottom as well to control somewhat, swinging in the wind.

    Good luck. Major project.