How do I enclose part of my porch to make a catio?

Susan Prince
by Susan Prince

I want to close off part of my small front porch so my kitty has access to the outside. I would need a screen door and a new column. I don't have many tools, so the process will need to be simple. She will need perches and climbing areas to help prevent boredom.

  6 answers
  • Margaret Green Margaret Green on Aug 24, 2018

    Google Ikea bookcase catio. It shows how to make a catio out of 2 Ikea shelfing units. That might help you see how to convert something you already own into a catio.

  • Kelli L. Milligan Kelli L. Milligan on Aug 24, 2018

    If you don't have many tools the project may be too big for you. Adding columns , screens and door is not very simple. Plus you want it to look good since its your front porch.

  • Hire a handyman / person. For all you want to accomplish, you need more than minimally basic tools. Have you Googled "catios" or "catio designs" or "easy catios" or "catios diy?" I bet you can find something that appeals to you (and your kitty), that you could do on your own without hiring someone to help.

  • Brenda Weyand Paul Brenda Weyand Paul on Aug 25, 2018

    Buy premade screen doors and use brackets or hinges to attach them to each other and to your house/column. Then just add any 2nd hand store plant stands, tables etc.

  • Oberlinmom Oberlinmom on Aug 25, 2018

    First thing is to decide how your cat is going to be able to get in and out of the catio. Is the window or door the access? Once you know where the entry is you can figure out how much space you want to close off. If it's the main entry to the porch from the house you will need a real door on your catio so you can lock people out if the cat is free. If the cat can get in and out via the window and not your homes main entry you can tweak a door that isn't human sized.

    Next up is decide what kind of screening you want. I'd like a screen that is sturdy enough to keep racoons and dogs out. Any lumber store will have fencing/screening you can check out. Now you know what you are using then you can decide how to frame it into your space. They make screws that will drill into cement so you could do your whole frame out of 2X4's.

    Lastly, your cats will be happy to just be outside. The furniture for in you catio can wait and be purchased over time. We made a kitty condo in our old house, it was just a screened box that sat on a flat roof off a bedroom window. Both our cats loved it. It was very small just big enough for them to lie down and be outside when they wanted. Since it was on a second story we only had to make it sturdy enough to keep them in. I used chicken wire and then put regular screening over the chicken wire to keep the bugs out. We left the window open most of the time.

  • Susan Prince Susan Prince on Aug 25, 2018

    Love your suggestions. Plan to use window, and as we're in the south, have decent weather to leave it open part time. I am creative, but not skilled. Have friends who are. Thank you for ideas and encouragement.