How do I make my chainlink fence into a privacy fence?
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They make packages of slats that you feed through the chainlink, and there is also a nylon screening you put over it, but my favorite is the faux shrub stuff..... I am planning on doing this on one end of my property this summer where the house flipper exposed my property to the street.....
Hi Pamela, have you considered attaching a bamboo fence to your side of the chain link fence? Here's a step by step video for you. Maybe you'll like this look.
You might also be able to plant some vining plants such as clematis that will quickly provide privacy but not as much in the winter months.
Add privacy slats. You can do this one panel at a time and replacing these is a breeze and there is no replacing the entire thing. Being plastic all you need to do is hose them off every year.
You can buy slats that fit right in the chain link to give you privacy.
DIY ~ Beautify a Chain Link Fence With Bamboo!
You could use a bamboo mat to cover the fence.
Chain Link to Privacy Fence
There are slats you can purchase to slide through the openings: privacy slats
Here's a post that might help -
You can add vinyl slats, ivy (real or fake), wood, I've even seen inserted Solo cups in a pattern.
Here's one idea:
Chain Link to Privacy Fence
You can buy plastic slats to weave into the fence, also there is plastic greenery you can attach.
You could thread fabric or plastic or hose in and out the links!
They sell privacy slats but be aware that they are different from the cheaper standard slats. Another good thing is they are very difficult to remove which means put them in the first time where you want them. But that also means they would be harder to steal. They offer a lot more privacy than standard slats.