How to build a flag pole?
Would like a 25 foot flag pole. What kind of material would I need.
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Wonderful! I have always wanted one myself. Where to put it is another story. Here are several options for you along with some flag etiquette if you are intending on flying the American Fllag.
you could use wood... very VERY heavy and have to be buried at least 1/3 the depth of the post; Galvanized pipe and a good bracing system, a system to raise/lower the flag ... flags are heavy, add the wind and personally, I think you'll be ahead of the game to purchase a commercial one .... you would possibly also need insurance - may depend on your state.
You can use mostly anything Bill
Copper pipe
Fencing posts
Wooden dowels or ballists
Concrete Stones to reduce the Height of the Pole Necessary
but I would recommend just getting a Flagpole Kit and 6 bags of concrete...
Why? You can usually legally attach an HDTV Antenna to a flag pole.
You can buy a fairly inexpensive kit from Home Hardware, Home Depot, Lowes, etc. If you buy one in Iowa, you don't have to increase your insurance. Check with your local laws. If I made mine I would have to carry a million dollar liability.
The strength of any flag pole depends greatly on how deeply it is anchored down into the ground with concrete.