Use Shampoo to Clean Your Glass Shower Door

The 2 Seasons
by The 2 Seasons

Shampoo isn't just for hair. It cleans a glass shower door better than anything I have ever tried. I always use the little bottles that you get in hotel rooms because they have just the right amount of shampoo that I need. Never use shampoo with conditioner because the conditioner will leave a film on the glass. Learn how I did it here:

Shampoo is made to cut grease and dirt from your hair. It does the same for a shower door. You don't need any fancy glass cleaners. This will work better than anything.
Shampoo and water removed this ugly mess from the shower door in just minutes.
I took this photo through the same shower door after it was cleaned. It's so clean and shiny now.
The 2 Seasons
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  2 questions
  • Kristi broumley Kristi broumley on Oct 26, 2016
    what about for hard water stains?
  • Sheli S Rentfro Sheli S Rentfro on May 09, 2018

    Can you use any kind of shampoo to get water spots off the shower door as long as it doesn't have conditioner in it right

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  • Tracy Tracy on Oct 22, 2020

    My plumber told me this trick 20 years ago and I’ve never used anything else. Yes people . It does work and so easy. I didn’t think about using all my hotel sample bottles. What I great way to get rid of those. Thanks.

  • Cinzia Farley Cinzia Farley on Oct 22, 2020

    Interesting! Also funny that I read this on cleaning day. I don't have glass shower doors. I was curious if it would work on my sliding glass doors, sink vanity top and tub. All different surfaces. To my surprise and joy, it worked great!!! The sliding glass doors are glass, Duh, the sink vanity top is cultured marble, the tub is enamel and I also tried it on plastics. Suave works best for the people that don't have hotel toiletries.
