How do I remove bleach stains on a white nylon jacket?

by Jenny

Can some one please tell me how can i remove old bleach stains off a white nylon jacket..i used different things to remove stains and it ended up leaving white yellow rings on it .. Please help me figure this out ..

  5 answers
  • Kelly L Cox Kelly L Cox on Feb 09, 2019

    I would try OxyClean. Mix a whole scoop of it in hot water and soak your jacket. Before leaving it to soak for hours, I usually spray peroxide on the yellow spots, then scrub some OxyClean into the stains. Baking soda scrubbed in can help with whitening sometimes also. I quit using bleach and just use those 3 things for everything...... in my laundry, to scrub stains off of the carpet (furniture,etc), the entire kitchen, all of my cleaning!

  • Anon Anon on Feb 09, 2019

    If baking soda mixed with white vinegar won't take them off, nothing will..sorry. That is the bad part about using bleach..

  • Now you know never to use bleach on synthetics. This is what happens. Did you look at the cleaning instructions on the tag of the garment? I guarantee it says no chlorine bleach. You live and learn. Give the suggested remedies a try and see if they help. So sorry!

  • Queen Queen on Feb 10, 2019

    Bleach does not deposit color, it takes it out. Therefore there is nothing you can do about it, unless you try bleach all over the jacket, but that is a risky job, or maybe you can dye it another color. Don't know if either of these ideas will work, as I have never tried them.

  • Rebecca Rebecca on Feb 10, 2019

    Try getting matching dye and spot dye the item