How do I make white nylon lace socks white again
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Instructions for whitening nylon....
Nylon is notorious for taking on a grungy color and looking dirty even after repeated regular washings.
Try soaking the socks in a solution of hydrogen peroxide and warm water. Every so often rub gently to ensure that all the fibres are coated evenly. Wear rubber gloves to protect your hands from drying out.
Rinse well, then hand wash with warm water sudsing well.
Soak in a stainless steel sink or bowl but not in a plastic container that is porous enough to absorb the peroxide.
Here's one idea you could try: Pour the lemon juice in the spray bottle. Do not dilute. Spray the socks thoroughly with lemon juice. Soak them then ang them outside in bright sunshine. The acid from the lemon juice will work with the sun to create a safe, natural bleaching agent. Direct sunlight works best. Should take around 30 mins to an hour or so.
I would soak them in oxyclean overnight.
I would suggest a product call BIZ, it works extremely well.
More years than I care to remember, I found my aunt washing her white things and laying them on a towel on the grass, in the sun. She left them half of the day and flipped them over. The sun whitened them. When she hung her whites on the clothesline, she never had dingy clothes. Just remembering.
One thing that many people don't know (except maybe us old folks) is that you should NEVER wash nylon with any other type of fabric. Cotton and other fabrics release their dirt right away while nylon does not. So if you wash it with other fabrics it will always come out dingy. Soak in Oxyclean and then wash but not with any other type of fabric. Hope this helps!
I recently used on my grandson's white polyester baseball pants, Iron Out. They looked amazing afterwards. It removes the rust in the stain. Now I'm thinking of trying regular Rust Remover I use at work. Both can be bought at Walmart. It didn't take much of the Iron Out. But I let it soak for awhile before washing it.
Rit (the dye brand) also makes a few laundry products. Whitener and Brightener works great for whitening. Also great to prevent yellowing.