How does one get animal urine stains out of laminated wood flooring?
I have several dog and cat stains on my laminated wood flooring . Is there a laminate floor cleaner that can lighten it? If not can it be sanded lightly or/and painted with satisfactory results. It is in the living room with area rugs over some of it. Does chalk paint work on this type of Flooring?
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I would not use chalk paint on this kind of flooring. I don't believe it would hold up to traffic and be durable. You would have to seal the chalk paint with poly as well and that might get slippery. You could try sanding it lightly and then dabbing with a diluted water bleach solution. You would have to poly over this spot if you did manage to get the stain out.
Laminate flooring is a poor choice with animals, as urine smell is frequently impossible to eradicate, meaning animals will return to the same spot.
You could try this :
You cannot sand laminate flooring as it is not real wood. You can try an enzyme cleaner such as Rocco & Roxie or Nature's Miracle. It may seep in enough to get rid of the smell too. But be aware that the laminate may curl if you get it too wet.
Enzyme cleaner fro the pet store would work. You can make a paste of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda and cover the stain. Let it dry then wipe off. Surprising the laminate hasn't swelled from the moisture. You can't sand it because the surface veneer layer is thin. Laminate should not be painted as the finish is a mineral glaze and paint will not take hold or last.