Asked on May 24, 2017

How can I get rid of the urine smell from a tile floor?

by Evm23951824
the area is not big but it is at the entrance of the front door. I wash the tile floor and the odor comes back in a couple of day. icon

The tile floor and one of the two dogs who like looking out the front door. I put a small rug there but they pee on the rug.
  20 answers
  • FL FL on May 24, 2017

    According to this site, vinegar can help you get rid of the urine smell.  ; I hope this helps! Good luck!

  • Judy Ferrell Judy Ferrell on May 24, 2017

    go to pet store and get cleaner for pet urine. once the smell is gone pets may stop going there

    • See 1 previous
    • Evm23951824 Evm23951824 on May 24, 2017

      I have several cleaners for pet urine. Use it in my carpet cleaner. Also have the kind in a spray bottle. I tried it on the tile. The ordor was gone for a couple of days but came back.

  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on May 24, 2017

    Natures Miracle available from the pet store

  • Lora Lora on May 24, 2017

    Have you tried cleaning the floor with a paste of baking soda and water? I have had good luck with it in getting rid of odors.

  • MadameRĂŁ MadameRĂŁ on May 24, 2017

    Good based Aromatherapy oils of Orange & Mandarin(a few drops each) with sugar paste, & always with clean dispoable cloths,wash/rub in in circular motions, let product sink/dry.

    With clean cloths again after all has dried, with coconut oil & a drop of orange again, take of f the top coat by adding this other one(*you are only taking of excess product not required any more as the good parts have sunk in),& polish/clean the floor... let dry properly..maybe use a towel over the floor the next day on the area if walking through it must happen.... Lastly just paper towel finish dry/clean... this usually works for many of my associates,& myself.

    *Some good oils are an investment as they work with so many different areas,& with house based goods... a good graded coconut oil & packets of chux always needs to be in the cleaning cupboard:)))

  • Josal Docimo Josal Docimo on May 24, 2017

    Many places carry a product called FON "Feline Odor Neutralizer" Amazon has it if you can't find it locally. I have gotten skunk smell out with it from leather, concrete, vinyl & plastic. Good luck

  • Margaret Sigouin Margaret Sigouin on May 24, 2017

    I know that vinegar kills the smell of urine. Try soaking the floor with a mix of vinegar and water.

    • Evm23951824 Evm23951824 on May 24, 2017

      Thank you. Something has to get rid of that awful smell. It gets worse in warm weather.

  • Melonnie Johnson Melonnie Johnson on May 24, 2017

    I have had good luck with a product called Urine Gone by Clorox. I had a dog with Cushing's disease and he peed on my vinyl floors many times a day. The way I got it up was to spray Urine Gone directly on the spot and let it sit while I got my mop water ready. Once I mopped it up. I emptied my mop water, rinsed out my bucket and my mop with clear water and refilled. Once again, I sprayed the Eurine Gone on the same spot and mopped it up and just left it to air dry. (this product has a very pleasant smell) It helped a lot, not only with the smell, but in discouraging him from using that same spot again.

    I wish you luck. We do love our fur babies but they come with some pretty stinky issues.

  • Katy Bowss Katy Bowss on May 24, 2017

    Baking soda and peroxide causes a chemical reaction which will help eliminate odor. Worked for me in cement. Best of luck.

    • See 2 previous
    • B. Enne B. Enne on May 25, 2017

      Thank you. :)

  • Jyone13 Jyone13 on May 24, 2017

    You have got to get to the sub flooring. May even have to rip that up too. At least your area is small. Good luck & let us all know with a pic how it came out

  • B. Enne B. Enne on May 24, 2017

    It may have penetrated the grout. If that is the case, you may just have to spray it a couple of times a week.

  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on May 24, 2017

    You have never seen that? It is available at if need be

  • Binky Binky on May 24, 2017

    All of us with indoor pets have had that smelly problem! I have found that vinegar and baking soda helps, or vinegar and lemon juice. Both fizz and penetrate into crevices to assist in the cleaning process. Let it sit for several minutes before wiping up. The baking soda will leave a grainy residue, but wipes up easily. Best of luck! It is worth the trouble, though frustrating sometimes, to clean up after our pets that give us so much love and trust.

  • Donald mcclane Donald mcclane on May 24, 2017

    I think your dogs are stressed and peeing is a natural response to being frightened. Try to pay attention to things they see that makes them agitated. Dogs see their duty as trying to protect their territory. They become agitated when they feel threatened. I have had the same problem with our Poodle. If you think dogs can be a problem, try it with cats!

  • Connie Connie on May 24, 2017

    What type of tile is on the floor? If grout is used between the tiles, then vinegar will break down the grout. It is too acidic. The cleaner should be neutral. Use a baking powder with a coconut oil scrubbed into the grout. Remove cleaner with light wash using Dr. Bonner liquid soap. Let dry for a day or two, then apply a sealer to the grout to keep the urine from penetrating again.

    If the tile is vinyl, check if the surface has worn and urine has penetrated into the tile. Possibly replace the tiles or after cleaning with a neutral cleaner and liquid soap wash, you may have to apply a sealer and recoat the surface of the tiles. Home Depot "Behr" has good clear coat sealers in various sheens.

    May sure the tile is completely dry before sealing.

    I love my pet too! I ripped out my carpets and painted the floor with epoxy paint. Look great and easy to care. Best of luck!

  • Debra Edds Debra Edds on May 29, 2017

    odo ban

  • Hughes Dylan Hughes Dylan on Mar 11, 2019

    Use an ENZYME based pet odor and stain remover. I've used a few brands, they all have worked. Find it on here:

    Also, you can use a blacklight to find stains on your dark carpet. The urine will fluoresce.

  • Redcatcec Redcatcec on May 23, 2023

    Nature's Miracle from pet stores is an enzyme that will take care of the odors.