Asked on Mar 06, 2016

How do you clean a wicker basket?

A dog peed on the side of my wicker basket. I'd like to know how to clean it so I can set it back out in the living room.
  13 answers
  • Dfm Dfm on Mar 07, 2016 i found this site to be really helpful. it gives diy cleaning solutions.
  • Srpepper Srpepper on Mar 07, 2016
    stand it in the garden spray it with your garden hose- and then spray with a soda crystal solution. let it dry outside...this is the most important bit
  • Betty-Ellen Betty-Ellen on Mar 07, 2016
    I make baskets . You can swish it in the tub with soapy water and then rinse and let dry. Once a year wet your basket well with water and let dry. It keeps the wicker or reed from drying and becoming brittle.
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Mar 07, 2016
    Use white vinegar in a spray bottle with water.The vinegar will eliminate the odor.
  • Poppy Poppy on Mar 07, 2016
    Yes to all the above answers. Baking soda is also a good deodorent just dissolve it in warm water, good luck with your basket.
  • Ruthie Ruthie on Mar 07, 2016
    Neutron Industries makes a product called NI-712. I've used it for years, ever since a friend's dog jumped into his van after being sprayed by a skunk. It works really well too. Good luck! :)
  • Annadele Annadele on Mar 07, 2016
    Or you can use Nature's Miracle spray to totally remove the odor, and then wash as noted above, then sun dry.
  • Becky P Becky P on Mar 07, 2016
    I usually just wash mine with windex and rise in the bathtub. Then I set them outside in the sun to dry.
  • Patty Patty on Mar 07, 2016
    Washing your wicker basket won't hurt it. Be sure to take a soft brush and dust it good first then wash it. I would use a small amount of vinegar, baking soda and warm water then leave it out side to air dry after rinsing.
  • Gail_riggio Gail_riggio on Mar 07, 2016
    I would take the waste basket outside and spray it down with the hose inside & out. I would sprinkle baking soda inside & out,let it sit outside 10-15min and rinse with hose. Let it dry outside.
  • Michelle DeVries Michelle DeVries on Mar 07, 2016
    Thank you ladies
  • Mike Mike on Mar 07, 2016
    Take it to the car wash and wash it along with your car , probably no closer than 3 feet away and use something to anchor it!
  • Judith Hill Judith Hill on Mar 08, 2016
    There is a product available through Amazon, it is called "Consume", it is a cleaner for all biologic messes. My custodial company uses it for washing Kennel floors, and I use for washing my kitchen floor as well as my hardwood floors because I have cats. If you dilute it according to instructions, it can be put in a spray bottle and used on stuff like your basket or used as a pre-spray on laundry. It is wonderful if you have pets, especially elderly ones like I do.