How to remove labels from terracotta pots?
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I'm sitting here right now with the same issue ... glue stuck to the terra cotta pot and a piece of tape ... very, very, very slow process ... tried the soaking, took off most of the paper, but the glue is still there ... I will try the rubbing alcohol, but I can't do the Goo Gone because it's oily! I'm doing projects to sell and different colored spots would look horrendous!
I have used Blue Tack to remove glue. Take a piece and roll it over an over till it has removed all of the glue. You could try Metho also. Again the idear is to soften the glue underneath. Scotch Sticky Tape also. Place the tape over the glue rub down the length of tape then quickly pull off. You may need to do this several times. Kay Adelaide Australia
Nail polish remover
Use a hair dryer! Heat the tag, and then slowly peel it away. Works great for all kinds of things with tags - but don't use on things that will melt!
A little baking soda and water in a bowl sit the label side in the bowl, wait about 5 min. wipes right off glue and all.
I use scotch tape to take of stubborn glue from labels, but can't recall if I've used it on clay pots.
A product called Goo Gone is fantastic for this. nasty odour. Works great.
I actually use my hairdryer at hottest temperature to remove labels from most items. Just blow on hot for several minutes and start peeling as the adhesive heats up. If you are careful there will be no adhesive residual left behind. I have done this on many different types surfaces. Label manufacturers are given specifications on environmental conditions at which the label must survive and not fall off or be removed.
I got the sticker but the adhesive remained. Was going to put children's handprints on pot for a gift. The big mark is def an eyesore.
Did you ever find something that worked?
Look here, the hair dryer is great for a few, but if your like me and you have a hundred fifty of these pots to get the stickers off the best thing is to put them in your car in the summer if possible wrote the windows and let him get real hot in the car and then get in it and then peel them off and sweat
i used a hair dryer to heat the tag then took a razor blade and scraped it, then took 100% acetone on a cotton ball to rub it off. It did work. Now just to paint them and pray the sticker mark doesn't show through.
There is a product called Goo Gone that might work.
MICROWAVE! I first tried soaking, then alcohol, then vinager along with scraping and scrubbing. So I thought what about the microwave. The pots were in water already so I put them in the microwave for 30 seconds. The labels peeled off and some still had adhesive on them so I used some tape to pull it off or scrubbed with the rough side of a sponge. &:-D
Lighter fluid is an awesome sticker remover.
I took as much of the label off as I could, then used an old toothbrush and a little bit of Dawn dish soap. came off!
Lemon Oil or Goo Gone :)
I had 65 small terracotta pots which had a sticker right next to the rim. Because they were for the centerpieces of a wedding reception, the sticker residue was an issue. I tried the detergent and the rubbing alcohol. The little rectangle was still evident. I then moved on to the baking soda in water suggestion and experimented on one pot, putting the sticker side down in a small amount of the mixture. After about 15 minutes, I gently rubbed the spot with my thumb, rinsed and put on the dish drainer. This did the trick and the pot dried clean. I now have five nested pots soaking, sticker side down, in about a half inch of water. It is fast. It is clean (no chemicals, or soap). I rinse them and put them on the dish rack. Voila! I used about a tablespoon in a cup of water and soak for about 15 minutes. Longer soak is fine. Since the terracotta is somewhat porous, the water needs to be replenished. It is also good to have something else to do while you are doing this - unless you have an assembly line of containers of the mixture to move things along.
I just used very hot water from a tea kettle and submerged the clay pot with a tiny drop of Dawn dish liquid. Let sit 5 minutes and this is what happened. I also took a little rubbing alcohol after to clean it off.
Soak in water a few minutes. Use fingernail to scrape off label. Soak a couple minutes more. Use dry rag to vigorously rub off label. Easy and no discoloration. Must let dry though before using for crafts.
Lighter fluid.
I was sad to see stick residue after I peeled the sticker off my 49 cent Walmart pot, however, I got the residue all of. I know this is not the most efficent way, but I used very warm running water and used my nails. I included a sponge with soapy water in order to remove it all of the residue and it came off. Sometimes the most simple is the most effective.