How do I clean litter boxes without a power washer?

I have cats which means I have litter boxes. Usually every spring I clean them with the power washer, what a mess. Any suggestions for helping me clean them without power washer? Thanks to all the great Hometalkers !!

  4 answers
  • Cindy Cindy on Apr 09, 2019

    Hi Peggy. We have 2 cats and, like you, 2 litter boxes. My husband power washes them during our Spring cleaning. During the rest of the year we take them to the garage and wash them with warm soapy water and a scrub brush, which I think works great. My sweet hubby does not agree with me and insists on using the pressure washer. Both methods work great. Good luck Peggy.

  • Cherry Cherry on Apr 09, 2019

    Three cats, two litter boxes. I take lestoil and boiling hot water from the kettle, let it soak for a couple of hours, then take the hose and spray it off. Let air dry. Done.🐱

  • 6 cats, 3 liter boxes (they are indoor/outdoor) and I wash them every week. I do line them with newspaper too. Vinegar, hydrogen peroxide or rubbing alcohol. Goes pretty quick. They typically watch me to make sure I am doing it correctly and as soon as I am done, they leave their mark. I toss in some lavender or bay leaves too.

  • Lynn Sorrell Lynn Sorrell on Apr 10, 2019

    6 cats 4 cement mixing tubs(great low cost sturdy litter boxes) I use hot water and Dawn detergent for initial weekly cleaning-fill each one full let sit about 10 minutes then scrub with stiff toilet brush rinse well,pour in vinegar and hot water slosh around dump(do not rinse) let dry,put baking soda in bottom of them then add cat litter.Scoop daily. Yea I think the power washer sounds really messy splattering everywhere. I also use the lrgest size cement mixing tub for my 3 outdoor strays so no poop pee in yard and fill with plain dirt. clean the same way. My Chihuahua evens uses the litter box never trained him too, he was beat up stray I found and just ever wants to go out of house too scared.