Asked on Mar 18, 2018

How to remove dried cement splashes from aluminum siding and windows?

by Jemark
We were having a cement patio replaced and the concrete was too watery resulting in numerous splashes to the aluminum siding, wooden trim and windows. Is there a way to remove any of this dried material?

  5 answers
  • Susan krom Susan krom on Mar 18, 2018

    Muriatic acid might do it

  • Sharon Sharon on Mar 18, 2018

    Wow, I would be making those idiots come back and clean up their mess.

  • Sharon Sharon on Mar 18, 2018

    Wow, I would be making those idiots come back and clean up their mess. Wet it down and scrub with a stiff brush or scrape it off with a plastic scraper. Rinse frequently.

  • Shoshana Shoshana on Mar 19, 2018

    Pour some sugar in a small bowl and add enough water to make a thin paste. Dribble the sugar solution onto the concrete spatters, or use a rubber spatula to smear it on. Wait five minutes for the sugar to soften the concrete. Scrub the spatters with the scrubbing side of the sponge until they come free of the aluminum. If traces remain, apply some more paste and scrub again. Rinse well with water while rubbing the area with the soft side of the sponge to ensure that no sugar residue is left on the aluminum.

  • Richard Leindecker Richard Leindecker on Mar 19, 2018

    Being in the concrete buisness we used to use vinegar to get it off metal.

    • Janis Janis on Mar 19, 2018

      I have the same question for getting splashes (not many) off of vinyl siding?!