What can I use to get the smell of lamp oil off my hands?

by Holly
  5 answers
  • Lynn Sorrell Lynn Sorrell on May 04, 2019

    pour dawn sish soap on your hands and then baking soda scrub a dub for about 1 minute rinse with hot water sniff ok? if not repeat, should work first time

  • I would try dishwashing liquid soap, it often works well for this, because it is a grease-cutting detergent .

  • Gk Gk on May 04, 2019

    Lemon juice and dish soap.

  • Jewellmartin Jewellmartin on May 04, 2019

    Mix bottled generic lemon juice plus any dishwashing liquid you like. Call it Hand Cleaner and add the direction to Shake to Blend to a pretty label and attach to a pump bottle, covered with clear shipping tape for your future use and for gifts. I keep one in the garage, plus above the kitchen sink. Hubby used it by accident to wash dishes and we had delicious dishes for days. Best wishes!

  • Mel39967033 Mel39967033 on May 05, 2019

    The secret with removing anything stubborn is not to get your hands wet.Apply Dawn dish soap and the baking soda rub it into a paste all over your hands ,when your satisfied your hand are clean, warm water rinse. This is good for after making meatloaf,hamburgers,meat balls to get the grease etc. Also anything petroleum based. Hope this helps.