What can I use to clean closet tracks that have been wet and rusted?

by Pat10398562
I have closet mirror doors and gold plated closet tracks that have been wet and rusted, by wet means cat has urinated on tracks and has dried on the mirror door and tracks and I just noticed it. Was wondering how tracks could get wet and rust. Had a leak in roof now is repaired. Want to clean but try not to scratch the metal. Please help, not a DIY project but need advice. Thank you

  5 answers
  • First use dawn dish soap and vinegar to get the cat urine up. Then try CLR for the rust.

  • Nancy Turner Nancy Turner on Apr 14, 2018

    Rust would need to be removed and the finish under that will be marred already. You could sand and use Rustoleum to restore the finish or even use a different texture. You can clean the urine off with whatever you want. If it is odorous, spritz it with vinegar to get rid of that and remove any bacteria, etc. that the urine left behind.

  • Sharon Sharon on Apr 14, 2018

    Ewwwww, naughty kitty. First I would clean it with a pet enzyme cleaner using a brush. Put on paper towel and wipe mirror with it. Then follow up with some fine steel wool and a bit of lubricant like WD40 til its smooth and rust is gone.

  • Shoshana Shoshana on Apr 15, 2018

    Using a pet enzyme cleaner is a good idea!