How can we keep cats from getting into the Christmas tree?

by SK
  5 answers
  • Tell them NO! Be firm, yet gentle. I have 6 cats and none even bother the tree. They will move stuff around underneath to take a nap which is fine. Just takes a bit of time and training. You can do it. Some people use squirt guns, I don't, I just use a very stern voice.

  • Betty Betty on Dec 02, 2018

    Hi I have two cats I had to use fly swatter .I just tap on back and say no . They don't try to climb it anymore. .cats can be trained like dogs . They are smart. .Good Luck .

  • Spray anything citrus or citronella around it. Cats do not like the smell.

  • SK SK on Dec 02, 2018

    Thank you, I'll try it.

  • Lynn Sorrell Lynn Sorrell on Dec 02, 2018

    Just yell NO be firm they'll learn, try to keep smaller easy to swallow ornaments up higher so they don't get to them. I don't use icicles either. Try to keep dangly type things from bottom of tree it will just entice them to get them because that's what cats do.Just be persistent. Mine love to slide under tree skirt,and of course nap on it,and try to drink water if we have live tree so don't put any chemicals in water to preserve tree life.Have one onery younger girl that insists on taking taped on bows off of presents and carrying to other parts of house. They really love sliding around in the discarded wrapping paper from the already opened xmas gifts.