How do I make angel ornaments?

by Nicole
  3 answers
  • Virginia Virginia on Nov 27, 2018

    An easy way is to use card stock paper. Make a cone by cutting out a circle. Take 2 pencils and stretch a loop of string around them tight, then place one point at the center and draw the other one around, using the tight string to make your circle correctly. Cut out. Fold in half and cut down the fold to make 2 semicircles. Take the points of one semicircle and bring them together, and you will see your cone form. Secure with Scotch tape. Take a Styrofoam ball and attach it to the point for a head. You might have to dig out some of the ball to make it stay, and then glue on with white glue. Get some tinsel material to make a gold halo. Look at beads, sequins, and other decorations at craft shops to decorate your angel.

    Make wings for your angel by cutting out a moon crescent shape and glue it to the back (or tape it) so the points point up on either side of your angel cone.

    Check your craft stores for sturdy paper in many colors and patterns.

  • Nicole Nicole on Nov 27, 2018

    Thank you so much

  • Sal3170064 Sal3170064 on Dec 01, 2018

    I bought pompom fabric flowers, pulled them apart. I took a dolly peg, then used some of the layers of the flower for the skirt, added a bodice from ribbon, some wool for the hair. You could add sequins and ribbon wings.

    I have also made a lovely angel from piping cord and macramé teqnique. Look on Pinterest for ideas.