Is there a sealant that is food safe or non-toxic for utensil rest?

by Barb
  5 answers
  • William William on May 04, 2018

    Mineral oil or salad bowl finish

  • Redcatcec Redcatcec on May 04, 2018

    Are you talking about something to place your spoon on while cooking? Not sure what your need is, could you be a little more clear with your question?

    • Barb Barb on May 05, 2018

      Yes, a spoon rest made from a marble tile that is stenciled with chalk ink and baked for permanence.

  • Nancy Turner Nancy Turner on May 04, 2018

    What is the utensil rest made of, we need more info to help you, it may be different for different things.

    • See 1 previous
    • Stephanie Stephanie on Mar 01, 2022


  • Redcatcec Redcatcec on May 05, 2018

    The marble should be just fine, I use them in my drinks to keep them cold. It is the chalk ink and baking that has me stumped, so sorry, but thank you for clarifying your question.

    Just wondering, does it say anything on the underside of your spoon rest, like dishwasher safe, oven safe, microwave safe? We have seen some dishes marked with "not food safe" and if we use them around food, always put a barrier between the dish and the food, assuming they are correct and the product contains something that is hazardous (lead).

    If you are in doubt about using your spoon rest, place a barrier that is safe such as a paper towel, coffee filter, or aluminum foil depending on what you are cooking.

    Best to you , maybe someone else has more experience with this and can help you.

  • Soo33269755 Soo33269755 on May 09, 2018

    look for aquatic sealant, the type for making aquariums