How do I make my fireplace the a focal point of my living room?

  4 answers
  • Can you post a photo to see what you have to work with?

  • Cindy Cindy on Nov 22, 2019

    Hi Glenna. I'm Cindy. Place a few items on your mantle. The bigger the better. The mantle is a great place to make a focal point. A bunch of little things on the mantle would just get lost. You could hang a large mirror above the mantle. A mirror reflects light and would make the room look bigger.

  • Emily Emily on Nov 22, 2019

    Good question. Makes me think of yesterday when I had a friend into tea. I had asked my husband to build a fire in our fireplace and I had those fake candles with the batteries on the mantelpiece. When my husband came home he thought it looked beautiful! Our fireplace is very front and center as you see it entering the house, but mainly you call attention to it, by what you display on your mantelpiece and mantel wall. Here are some of my different ideas. There is no getting away from the impact or lack of it, the location of your mantelpiece will have on its visibility. So if your is in a corner or less than centrally placed you will have to arrange furniture or otherwise call attention to it, but decorating is the most important element. So start collecting items to display from yard sales or such. Also seasonal items and items native to your own part of the country are great to be included. Oh and of course a fire, will make it the star attraction!!

  • Hi! I agree- a photo would help! Aside from the fireplace itself, part of the trick is arranging your living room furniture so that it orients toward the fireplace if possible. Check out this Living Room Design 101 guide for examples and a more detailed explanation.