Asked on Nov 20, 2017

Is the floral moss at Dollar Tree real?

by Marykrhodes
Is the floral moss at Dollar Tree real? And, can I put it on top of the rocks with my paperwhites? I am trying to get them to absorb a little less water because they are starting to look over watered even though I have the bulb on top of the rocks as suggested. I think putting the floram moss on top of the rocks would help the bulb not get soggy.
  19 answers
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Nov 20, 2017

    no it is not real,you need to use spagnum moss from nurseries

  • I think you have to read what the label says, some might be real and some might be paper/plastic.

  • 2dogal 2dogal on Nov 21, 2017

    No, not real.

  • Shoshana Shoshana on Nov 21, 2017

    Most likely it's not real. You can probably order some moss from Amazon or your local nursery if interested.

  • Lola Ravenwalker Robison Lola Ravenwalker Robison on Nov 21, 2017

    Loew's, Home Depot and some other home improvement centers that have floral shops that carry "dry starter" products. I have bought packaged dried moss at both chains and a local franchises. These mosses are normally brownish to grey tinged close to the "root" or "host" system and green at the outer edges. This moss also will have a type of "dirt" where it was attached to its host. This dirt and earthy smell will let you know it is "real" moss. Oh! Another indicator of it being real is the packaging will have airholes in the bag to allow moisture to escape. A living plant will still "breathe" allowing the moisture to collect would set up a hostile environment for the moss allowing mold, mildew, and various damaging and potentially dangerous changes to occur within the package and to the moss itself.

    I hope this answer is more fleshed out as a guide to aide in your purchase of the marked "ornamental" moss. I have worked at Dollar Tree and know they carry both living and decorative moss.

    • Marykrhodes Marykrhodes on Nov 21, 2017

      Question for you. Looking at the plant leaves, can you tell if it's under or over watered. It's kinda starting to wilt. Think I should take some water out?

  • Cindy Darsey Chadwell Cindy Darsey Chadwell on Nov 21, 2017

    i don’t think it’s real but I’ve used it for several crafts and it holds up well

  • Lola Ravenwalker Robison Lola Ravenwalker Robison on Nov 21, 2017

    In that this is a bulb having only the roots in the water is the proper thing to do to stop fungus and bulb rot. One thing I think I see is old flowers left on the stems. Once a flower has reached its full potential you need to remove the dead flowers as well as the "pods" that are forming where the flower was. Many bulbs are, due hybridization, no longer make seeds. That was the purpose of the blooms. To flower, die, produce seed. If there are seeds they are more than likely "sterile", meaning they will not sprout. I find it challenging with some of my plants to use these seeds to experiment with and have at times been successful in getting some to grow. Very low percentage will sprout and need species specific handling. Thank god for google and gardening online!

  • Ronda Ronda on Nov 22, 2017

    I think you have to much water.

    Also I agree with the dead flower comment...

    It's called "deadheading"

    Plants use energy

    Sounds weird.. but it's wasting energy trying to make a seed, unless you take those old blooms off. Then the plant can divert that energy to new blooms and roots.

    And it's roots can find that's doesn't have to be that close to your bulb.

    Hope this helps

  • B. Enne B. Enne on Nov 22, 2017


  • Henry-Helen Sanders Henry-Helen Sanders on Nov 15, 2018

    No . Soak it in water and you will see the green dye. Do not use in your critters surroundings.

  • Kalle Kalle on Feb 26, 2021

    Can you use reindeer moss from dollar tree in plants

  • Vmillixn Vmillixn on Aug 15, 2023

    Everyone is saying it’s fake but it IS real, it’s just dead. Some is an unrealistic green, so it’s obviously dyed, but it’s still real. It literally has twigs and if you put it under a magnifying glass, it’s clearly real. Mine came with a part that was still attached by the roots to something it was growing from. This texture couldn’t be made of plastic or paper, and nothing that’s at the dollar store would be fake and this realistic.

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  • Betsy Betsy on Aug 15, 2023

    Hi Maryk. The Floral Garden Floral Moss is not real, while the Floral Garden Reindeer Moss, and the Crafter's Square Spanish Moss, are both real. You might try getting some of stones or coloured rocks to put your plant on to keep the bottom from getting soggy.

  • Dee Dee on Aug 15, 2023

    I checked today and no it is fake. Go to a garden center and get the real moss.

  • Robin Peachie Robin Peachie on Apr 02, 2024

    I just purchased dried reindeer moss at Dollar Tree about a month ago. I'm not sure about the other ones but this one is 100% real. It smells and feels real to start with & there are pieces of stem and extra dried pieces. Once you rehydrate it, it comes back to life. No dye comes off it like another comment suggests. So this labeled moss is real.

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  • Redcatcec Redcatcec on Apr 02, 2024

    Sorry to say, it is not real.

  • Betsy Betsy on Apr 02, 2024

    Hi Maryk: Not sure, but I think it's fake. They sell 2 kinds, Floral Moss and Reindeer Moss. The Reindeer Moss is greener, but watch what you use to glue it down with, if you do that, because there can be a chemical reaction. I'd ujse the floral foam and floral pins to stick the moss down.

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Apr 03, 2024

    Rey placing kitchen roll paper on top to absorb water, and then replace.

  • Deb K Deb K on Apr 08, 2024

    Hi Mary, hope this helps you. The easy fix for this is to let the soil dry out. Then water with less water. There is no need to to put anything on the soil, just water it less.