Self-stick letters in reverse?

Deborah L
by Deborah L
I'm looking for some letters printed in reverse so I can stick to the back of a glass door to use as a stencil for lettering prior to spraying with frosting spray. Can anyone give me website where I can find self stick lettering in reverse?
  4 answers
  • Deborah, see this website, they custom make the letters you need. You can stick them on the door and spray after that you can remove the letters. See if this site is of some help to your project.
  • 3po3 3po3 on Jan 14, 2012
    Yamini, I think you forgot a link.
  • You can purchase vinyl lettering and using spray adhesive spray the face of them and then stick them up. In any case I would think the adhesive would not look so good facing the side you see. Regardless of what product you decide to use. Most are put on the outside surface of the door. You can still do this and still spray the back side of the door for the effect your looking to achieve I would think.
  • I was wondering that same thing. If she was leaving them up or just wants the glass not to be sprayed in that area so she can remove the letters after. The only concern I would have would be the residue left over from the glue and trying to clean it after the door was sprayed. Hmmm.