Any ideas about hiding my ugly baseboards

Afshan Khan
by Afshan Khan
I want to hide my old and ugly baseboards throughout the house. I am looking for something easy and cheap.
  13 answers
  • Lulu Lulu on Mar 03, 2016
    Afshan, those boards are easy to rip out. Then you can get long narrow tiles to replace them.
  • KatAych KatAych on Mar 03, 2016
    Not sure what they look like now...can you paint them the same color as your walls so they just "disappear?" You could add trim to it to change the look, or what about using a wallpaper border?
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  • Why are they ugly? Pictures would help because painting them or if they are a rubber commercial type baseboard, replacing them with 1x3s or inexpensive wood painted white or even stained would be budget friendly (if you live in U.S. have a Home Depot near you).
  • Rae Rae on Mar 04, 2016
    I have actually seen where the baseboards were "covered" with taller more distinctive baseboard.
  • Barb H Barb H on Mar 04, 2016
    We just recently painted our baseboards the same colour as our walls in the living room, they just disappeared. We are doing that in all the rooms, as there is no break, it extends the wall, and cheap to do.
  • Diane Wilson Diane Wilson on Mar 04, 2016
    Why not get some inexpensive wall paper or contact paper or ribbon and cover them?
  • Barb Barb on Mar 04, 2016
    If the baseboards are the blah flat builder grade just add a simple and small decorative trim piece on top.
  • Katherine Katherine on Mar 04, 2016
    Are you talking about steam heater baseboards? If so, I had mine faux finished to look like wood. And we also installed floor heating to eliminate them in the kitchen, bathrooms and foyer. The floor heatin uses the hot water for radiant heat.
  • MN Mom MN Mom on Mar 04, 2016
  • Louise Adkins Louise Adkins on Mar 04, 2016
    Come up a few inches above the top of the baseboard and add a thin piece of trim. Paint the thin piece, the sheet rock between, and the baseboards a white or black. This gives the impression of wide baseboards.
  • Amanda Amanda on Mar 04, 2016
    Just paint them same colour as walls. Also door frames too. They will just blend in.
  • Deborah A Charrette Deborah A Charrette on Mar 04, 2016
    Cheapest and easiest yet is brown craft paper and glue... Go to you tube and look up "brown paper floors"
  • Constance G Constance G on Mar 05, 2016
    Got any pictures? Why are they ugly? too many layers of paint? too wide or scuffed? A picture would be helpful.