How to remove Bona wood floor polish from new wood?

by Jam817295

I polished my new prefinished wood floor with Bona hardwood polish. After the recommended hour of no walking on it, dogs and people walking on dry floor created horrible smudges that won’t clean off. Looks Terrible!!!!! I tried water and vinegar and it helped a little, but the smudgy footprints remain.

  3 answers
  • Kitty Kitty on Sep 13, 2018

    Ask / call Bona people. Customer service number should be on can somewhere...

  • Kelli L. Milligan Kelli L. Milligan on Sep 13, 2018

    Now you know, new prefinished floors are not meant to be demolished. Check with the manufacturer about how to fix it. Hope you didn't void your warranty.

  • Kathy Gunter Law Kathy Gunter Law on Sep 13, 2018

    I found this YouTube video made by Bona. It references a Bona polish remover. Everything else was 1 cup vinegar to a gallon of warm water which sounds like you already tried.

    I have been using the following to mop my hardwood (pre-finished as well as what we finished) since 2000 with great results:

    1 cup apple cider vinegar

    1 Tbsp blue Dawn

    2 gallon hot water

    Wring mop as much as possible before applying mop to floor.

    If I want it to "shine", I use furniture polish. My kids love it because they can put on sock and slip & slide in the house for a couple of days.