I am not sure how this transition in trim should happen.

by Bky32228475
Any suggestions on how we should do the trim on the wall from our kitchen to dinning room as the floor is substantially lower in the dining room. See picture.
  7 answers
  • Tae Tae on Apr 15, 2018

    i would say to not do the round trim on the short side and take the other side all the way to the floor and not angle it up like it is currently.

  • Fiddledd224 Fiddledd224 on Apr 15, 2018

    You have 2 choices - you can remove the white trim and quarter-round from the green wall, cut the new tile back so it is flush with the green wall and then reinstall the trim and moulding OR you can cut the new tile back so it is flush with the white trim and moulding. Then cut the threshold piece to the exact length from the white moulding to the end of the tiled area.

  • Bijous Bijous on Apr 15, 2018

    The quarter round in the kitchen needs to be cut flat. The threshold needs to be cut flush with the corner. It appears to be sticking into the room about a half inch. Then start a piece of quarter round that's back cut (cut in the opposite direction from the miter cut you currently have. The quarter round from the kitchen and the other room will not meet. And that's ok. Good luck.

  • Scottie Vosburgh Scottie Vosburgh on Apr 15, 2018

    If you cut the transition piece over the tile a bit shorter, you can stop the shoe moulding for the baseboard right at the transition piece. Then on the tile flooring, try finding a shorter shoe moulding if you can or cutting the end straight at the edge since it won't have anything to match up with around the corner. You can also do something like this:


  • Starphyre Starphyre on Apr 15, 2018

    Does the wall actually go all the way down to the wood floor? If not I would shore that up with shims. Otherwise that wall can start cracking. Then remove the end molding and round off the other molding to it is not at the edge to the size of your wall. You will have to do that on the other side of the wall also. This seems easier then cutting out the tile floor to lower the molding into that space.

  • Jan Loehr Jan Loehr on Apr 18, 2018

    I think this calls for a professional to fix this very bad finish job....never saw anything like this leaving a wall on an angle to accomodate the floor tile...get some opinions from a couple of contractors as to how to do this properly....

  • Tabitha Hurley Tabitha Hurley on Sep 01, 2018

    Put 1 by up start at the highest point n level n cut back to lowest point where itll cover gap.then put the quarter round on it or just router top of one by ,caulk it.hope that made since .