Is it true a hot iron placed over a damp towel will help remove tiles?

by Tess

I am having a hard time removing warped stick down tiles. I heard a hot iron over a damp towel will help soften the tile and adhesive paper. Is this true? Thanks in advance.

  5 answers
  • Rebecca Taylor Rebecca Taylor on Apr 09, 2019

    Hi Tess, I have used a heat gun to do it and a damp towel and iron should do about the same thing.

  • Janice Janice on Apr 09, 2019

    Yes, that should work well to soften the adhesive from the backs of the tiles and make for easier removal.

  • Gk Gk on Apr 09, 2019

    A hair dryer set on high will soften the tiles enough so you can start pulling them up. A heat gun on low/medium works better but you have to be more careful as you can melt the tiles and they get really hot. Keep the heat gun moving and set it down on something nonflammable if it is hot from using it--a cookie sheet maybe. As long as you are taking up the tiles you could try your damp towel and iron to see if it works. I am not sure it would get hot enough to really soften the tiles enough to pull them up.

  • William William on Apr 09, 2019

    Should work. But Gk has it right. A blow dryer will make the job easier and faster.

  • Shoshana Shoshana on Apr 10, 2019

    Yes! It worked really well for me! It was taking forever for me to pull up my mother's old stick on tiles in her kitchen - The iron made it soooo much easier! I put down a sheet of tinfoil instead of a towel, though. A towel is probably better.