Flower bed idea- what are the best plants or flowers to plant?

Ronald Fox
by Ronald Fox
what are the best plants or flowers to plant that is rather low ground covering and will come back year after year. I kind like color, but not real impressed with really over baring colors that seem to take over. I love the Sun-N-Moon theme. Give me an idea of something that is very easy to take care of, yet gives great curb appeal. Our area is about 2 1/2 foot wide by 26 foot long on one side of the walk way (to get to the front door) and about 22 foot long with same with width on other side of entrance. I also need weed free ideas! Thank you

  6 answers
  • Nancy Turner Nancy Turner on Jun 05, 2018

    You didn't say how much sun the area gets. My front is long and takes a curve out from the front door to the other side of the house. Mine is very shaded and has a very well established hosta bed on the other side of the sidewalk and all the way down to the front corner. It takes no care except getting rid of the old flower stocks and leaves in the fall or spring and the area once they have grown and spread never need weeding because it is so shaded underneath. The only thing I have to do is look for the occasional maple or elm tree sprout. There are some hostas that do take full sun, you just have to find them. They also come in different sizes, from pretty small in stature to pretty large when they mature.

  • Kathy R Kathy R on Jun 05, 2018

    You don't mention the sun exposure or what zone you're in. for zones 3-9 - Creeping Phlox is lovely, in the spring; I like the silvery look of Lamb's Ear - but it does have to be cleaned out (zone 4-9); If your garden has some shade - Impatiens can reseed beautifully; Ajuga is a beautiful ground cover; Vinca covers well and has beautiful blue flowers - it's pretty versatile too; Liriope works well too - sun or shade and can produce beautiful lavender or white flowers. I hope this helps!

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Jun 06, 2018

    I would honestly suggest you go down to your nearest Plant centre and ask for their advice as they will have plants that thrive in your area. If you want plants that flower or have interest all year long, go down to centre once a month to see whats flowering etc and add a few to the border..........

  • Tricia Jackson Jones Tricia Jackson Jones on Jun 06, 2018

    Love my drift roses!