Daffodil leaves are turning brown - help!

by Sue
I have a pot of Daffodils there small ones there starting to dry up, the leaves are turning brown up on the ends I just watered them a little how what do i need to do.?

  4 answers
  • Jcraw Jcraw on Apr 04, 2018

    daffodils just donā€™t last long. A couple of weeks at most. At least in NJ

  • Pat Pat on Apr 04, 2018

    How long have you had them? Daffodils in the ground always go dormant until next year. When yours are dry, take the bulbs out and plant them in the ground....may have to wait till fall to plant them.

  • Linda Sikut Linda Sikut on Apr 04, 2018

    Hi Sue,

    This is normal for a daffodil once it's bloomed. When the color drains from the leaves it's actually nourishing the bulb. Once all of the leaves have turned yellow or brown and fallen off, you can take the bulb out of the pot, dry it, then plant it outside in the fall. If the daffodil came in a pot, it was most likely forced to bloom and even if you plant it outside, it might not come back but it might. Wishing you the best.