How do I plant hostas and phlox?

by Shawn

It’s my first time.

  4 answers
  • Cindy Cindy on Jun 03, 2019

    Hi Shawn. Dig a hole in the shade and place your hosta in it. Hold the hosta straight up with one hand and push the soil back in the hole with the other hand. Pack the soil loosely around the base of the plant. Dig another hole in an area that gets 6 hours of direct sun. Place your phlox in this hole and and do the same as you did with the hosta. Both plants should be planted so that all of the roots are below the soil. Water them gently every other day.

    • Shawn Shawn on Jun 03, 2019

      does the same apply to bulbs in the plastic bags?

  • Hostas are pretty low maintenance. Keep in mind that they can get huge, so space them far enough apart like it says on the pots.

    • Shawn Shawn on Jun 03, 2019

      They are packaged in those plastic bags. They are the bulbs

  • Kathy Gunter Law Kathy Gunter Law on Jun 03, 2019

    Everyone says hosta must in a shade but mine are doing well in shade with partial sun as well as on my porch landing in full sun. I think the big secret is making sure they are fed and watered regularly. I took the large one and split it with my hands, then planted in a hole dug about twice the size of the root. I added potting soil because my soil is the pits.

    Phlox likes cool sunny climate in sweet soil. They need at least 6 hours of direct sun. If you are in hot climate, partial shade is needed. Make sure they are well watered and it should thrive as well.

  • Cindy Cindy on Jun 04, 2019

    Hi Shawn. It's Cindy again. I saw your question regarding bulbs in bags. The bulbs should be planted with the roots pointing down, and the top of the bulb should be slightly below soil level. Keep it watered regularly. Root growth will take place in the Fall. After blooming has finished for the season, leave the foliage in place. Don't cut it off. The leaves will gather sunlight and create food for its growth in the Spring. Cold weather will encourage the plant to move into dormancy. At this point clip off the yellowed leaves. Leave the bulbs (and roots) in the ground. They will be dormant over the winter and grow back in the Spring. I hope this helps you. Take care and good luck.