My Knockout roses look awful.
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You could have an insect infestation. Apply a systemic control by Bayer
do they have enough sun?
Knockout Roses need lots of sun, at least 6 hours daily, don't like wet feet, they are natural; not much water not much fertilizer and cut the dead flowers so they keep blooming.
Too much 3 in 1, - knock outs are some of the easiest roses to grow. Do they receive enough sun? Is their soil well drained? I would give them 2 to 3 weeks with just water and see if they recover.
They are on the south side of my house, and get plenty of sun. Their leaves started getting holes in them which is why I tried the Ortho 3 in 1 spray, but it isn't helping. The spray is supposed to be for insects, mites, and fungus. I'll check the soil to be sure it dries between watering, and hold off on the 3 in 1 for a couple of weeks. Thank you.
Hello No Way; Holes in Rose leaves is a natural part of growing them. I have not ever had any plants that look like the ones that you receive for a Gift!!!
Aside from that, if they were my Roses, I would mix up some cow manure with some potting soil and I would spread it around my plants and I would use a soaker hose and slow water the Roses, daily. Only use the soaker hose, by wrapping it around the base of the Roses, This will ensure that the roots get the water and not the leaves or the plant itself.
I hope that this will help you!!! Good Luck!!!