Asked on May 25, 2012

Do Jasmin Vines leaves die in the winter or do they stay and then flowers in Spring? Concern is seeing brown vines only

Jim Ginas
by Jim Ginas
thinking to use them to grow on an aluminum fence to create privacy from neighbors. (Pool in yard)
Prefer Privacy from between yards
  21 answers
  • Pam Pam on May 25, 2012
    I had 4 Star Jasmin plants and only a few leaves ever turned brown in the winter. The leaves stayed green, thick and lush, and flowered in the spring. I live in Central Louisiana but we have several hard freezes during the winter months. I was not as lucky with a Confederate Jasmin (yeow flowers).
  • Pam Pam on May 25, 2012
    I forgot to state that after the third year they were so thick no one could have seen through them. I had them growing on lattice surrounding my patio. Total privacy, summer and winter.
  • Jim Ginas Jim Ginas on May 26, 2012
    @ Pam: Thank you! - we have a very good nursery, so I'll have to ask them about the "4 star" Jasmin. don't recall what type they are, just Jasmin! :)
  • Home Repair Tutor Home Repair Tutor on May 26, 2012
    Nice patio Jim, you have a great pool party atmosphere.
  • Melanie P Melanie P on May 26, 2012
    hey, jim, its is actually just "star jasmin" we have a bunch around our farm, the leaves do not fall off or turn brown unless its dying do to lack of water. this vines have amazing growth potential and bloom in the spring and smell very fragrant. they will keep growing and growing unless you clip them back, but you can shape them however you want. we live in california, and these do very well with little water!!! good luck!!!
  • Christal G Christal G on May 26, 2012
    there is also a vinier jasmine called confederate jasmine they grow like crazy and smell wonderful i got mine in Georgia and they go thru their dry spells but they come back full bloom!!
  • Jim Ginas Jim Ginas on May 26, 2012
    Thank you all. Jasmin it is then! Almost bought 4 pots last weekend and just wanted more info. (actually Jasmin for the fence and the Hydrangeas for the corner of the yard!)
  • Jim Ginas Jim Ginas on May 26, 2012
    @ Home Repair Tutor: thanks, better views of the other side.
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  • Pam Pam on May 26, 2012
    Jim, I meant that I had 4 or them. I wanted to cover my lattice area quickly so I planted one plant in either side and one in the middle to fille in quickly. The 4th I planted on another lattice around my courtyard. The star jasmin grow little which flowers and the smell is heaveny and attracts hummingbirds, honey bees and butterflies. When the breeze blows you can smell them from a distance away. I don't think you will be dissappoibted with these hard working vineing plants.They need little care except for trimming once they cover your fense every now and again. Put a litte root blast in the bottom of the hole before lacing your new plants in to give them a head start and burst of energy to the roots. Big healthy roots mean fast growing health plants. Good luck!
  • Pam Pam on May 26, 2012
    Your pool area and yard is just lovely. I would live out there all summer long.
  • Aric V Aric V on May 26, 2012
    i have not had a problem with any of them turning brown in TX, always been an evergreen for me
  • Aric V Aric V on May 26, 2012
    a bit of good info on the Jasmine for you if you need
  • Jim Ginas Jim Ginas on May 26, 2012
    Pam: thank you. I'm heading out this afternoon to get the Jasom! *** I actually use the sunroom most of the summer, actually YEAR! (Brick and 6' sliding glass doors, room is almost al glass. Heated/AC , ceiling speakers for radio. I get the view while staying comfortable (w/ wetbar, kitchenette and halfbath, so I work out of it also!)
  • Jim Ginas Jim Ginas on May 26, 2012
    @ Aric: Thanks for the link. It talks to keeping the Jasmin upright to spread on the fence. Also apparently the STAR Jasmin is the Confederate Jasmin ("....Often called star jasmine, confederate jasmine" )
  • Jim Ginas Jim Ginas on May 27, 2012
    Ok, bought 4 Star (aka Confedrate) Jasmin. Planting them tomorrow morning and hoping they do well! Thanks everyone.
  • Aric V Aric V on May 27, 2012
    Jim it sometimes takes a bit to see them spread nicely but i have used a product called "Superthrive" which will double the growth rate per season..just a little hint i've found usefull
  • Jim Ginas Jim Ginas on May 27, 2012
    @ Aric: Great! thank you. just researched it and found varying sites with well over 400,000 reviews of 4.5 - 5 stars! Not expensive, yet seems to work well. I'll actually order tonight.
  • Marcia Marcia on May 26, 2015
    You will have to tie them to the fence in the beginning as they do not have "sucker feet" on the vines. Weave them through once they are long enough.
  • Georgeanna Autrey Georgeanna Autrey on Jun 10, 2015
    We have Jasmin on our fence in the back yard and they grow fast but are unsightly unless you keep them trimmed, they are worth planting for the lovely smell. our side yard the neighbors goat ate them and our front yard the county sprayed them with insectside and killed them. You may not have a goat or county workers problem so you should enjoy your Jasin. Good luck !!
    • Jim Ginas Jim Ginas on Jun 10, 2015
      @Georgeanna Autrey This winter killed two more, only one of four have survived the last two winters here! USUALLY winters are not so bad, but our last two years are record breakers!
  • BillSmoot BillSmoot on May 08, 2016
    Hi Jim, I live in Portsmouth, VA, so my answer might be more revelent when it comes to weather. I've grown Confederate Jasamine for the past 10 years. Weird weather winters, or exceptionally cold winter has cause mine to die. I aso have Winter Jasmine which fares better in weir winter weathers and exceptionally cold winters. You don't want that one as it blooms in Dec/Jan without leaves. Might I recommend another vine, and that one is Winter Clematis (Clematis armandii). It stands up better than the jasmines. A little pricy but well worth it! Warm regards, bill
    • Jim Ginas Jim Ginas on May 11, 2016
      @BillSmoot Much thanks Bill. I had 4 JASMINE and three (3) died, one is spreading nicely, but IF all four were alive and spreading like the one is, it would cover my whole side yard fence and with the flowers the one has right now, would have a great smell! I'll research and look for Winter Clematis!
  • Sue Sanders Sue Sanders on Jul 11, 2016
    I once had a Jasmine vine that had yellow blooms. I was told they were very poisenous so since I had small children I immedicately dug it up. I have not researched this but before you plant I would look up and find out if the flowers are poisenous or not.