My tuberous begonia had a large branch broken off!

Nancy Turner
by Nancy Turner
Horrible unexpected rain storm real early this morning. A six inch branch was broken off with numerous leaves and flowers from my hanging basket. I would love to root it, but don't know if I should put the whole branch in soil, or just the separate leaves. It is a gorgeous double peachy pink and white flowers with bright green leaves and very healthy.

  11 answers
  • Alyssa Alyssa on Aug 20, 2017

    Try rooting it in water, and make sure the branch has at least one bud node on it that has never bloomed. Here's more in-depth information on propagating your begonia:

    • Nancy Turner Nancy Turner on Aug 20, 2017

      Thank you, the article was very helpful as I know the tuberous varieties can require different procedures.

  • Until you can pop out to the store to pick up some rooting hormone, I would certainly place the beoken off end in a glass of water or poke into some fresh soil to keep it moist.

    • See 3 previous
    • Consider yourself very, very blessed! I look at food and gain 10 pounds!

  • FL FL on Aug 20, 2017

    Hi Nancy! This site offers a few options for root a tuberous begonia, so choose your favorite!  ; have fun!

    • Nancy Turner Nancy Turner on Aug 20, 2017

      Thank you for the site! This is one of my go to sites for plants, it is not as informative for the tuberous begonias specifically, though. It did give me some things to think about that others poo-pood, and makes it a little easier. My broken plant thanks you, right now it is in a baby food jar of water in a south window with our orchids. It will bet brightish light but no direct sun.

  • Bog29334961 Bog29334961 on Aug 20, 2017

    very easy to propagate, just stick it in water until roots form and replant!

  • Sunny C Sunny C on Aug 20, 2017

    Hello Nancy; I would add a piece of plastic wrap to the top of the glass that you have the branch in.

    Cut a small opening in the plastic wrap, so that the branch will form roots in the water.

    I hope that this helps you!!! Take Care!

    • Nancy Turner Nancy Turner on Aug 20, 2017

      Do I put the branch through the hole? The piece is about six inches high with numerous branches, leaves and flowers and buds.

  • FL FL on Aug 20, 2017

    You're very welcome.

  • Sunny C Sunny C on Aug 20, 2017

    Hello Nancy; Yes. You have the branch touching the water. Roots will form easily this way, so that you can replant it.

    I hope that this helps you!! Take Care!

    • Nancy Turner Nancy Turner on Aug 20, 2017

      Thank you for answering my question so quick, me on the other hand was outside with hubby listening to an audio book, swatting flies and watching bubby rebuild the carburetors for the boat motor, and giving my jungle on both sides of the driveway some TLC.

  • Sunny C Sunny C on Aug 21, 2017

    Hello Nancy; You are most Welcome!!

    Sounds like you were having a nice, relaxing day!!

    I know all too well what you mean about a Jungle......I am out in mine much too often!!!

    I hope that your new branch will thrive, so that you get another plant from it, soon!!! Take Care!

    • Nancy Turner Nancy Turner on Aug 21, 2017

      Thank you! I hope it survives my experiment! I enjoy playing in the dirt and plants. Between the front of the house and the two sides of the driveway it looks like a jungle. The west side of the driveway has six hanging strawberry plants, six huge hostas and eight three to four foot ferns, and two window boxes of tuberous begonias. The other side has four huge pots with a tomato plant, orange pepper plants, dill and lettuce, five smaller pots of lettuce, bigger pots of chives, parsley rosemary, thyme, oregano and three hibiscus pots. In front I have a hosta garden that runs the length on the house, two half wine barrels with elephant ears and coleus, two pots of citronella geraniums, two hanging pots of tuberous begonias and two hibiscus. Hubby can't make it up the two steep tiers to the veggie garden, so I made him his own garden he could enjoy and watch grow. If he wanted it, I planted it.

  • Sunny C Sunny C on Aug 21, 2017

    Heavens Lady!!!!

    Nancy; I believe that you and I, are as busy as a pair of one armed paper hangers!!!!

    Yes, I am a dirty one also!!! I enjoy being outside and playing, as well.

    Your yard sounds breathtakingly Beautiful!!!!

    It is so nice that you take such good care of your husband, and do special things to make him so Happy.

    Please tell hubby that I said he is going to get hit with a wet piece of spaghetti, unless he behaves!

    You know he wanted his own Begonia plant, so that's why that branch broke!!!

    Nancy, Thank-You so much for telling me about your yard. It sounds like Heaven!

    Let me know how your branch comes along!!! Take Care!

    • Nancy Turner Nancy Turner on Aug 21, 2017

      I will let you know, although from what I have heard and read it can take a while. If this works, I will try it on my yellows, they are so impressive this year! I want more than just three next year!

  • Sunny C Sunny C on Aug 22, 2017

    Hello Nancy; It takes a little bit of time to do, but once the branch roots, you will be all set!!

    I learned this trick from my Mother, as she still does it, all of the time!!!

    How nice!! I am hopeful that you will be able to have many new plants from branch pieces.

    Thank-You!! Take Care!

  • Luella Thomas Luella Thomas on May 26, 2024

    love flowers