Two tomatoes ones dying the other growing no tomatoes, help!

by Kathy
  8 answers
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on May 30, 2017

    How much sun are they receiving?

  • Oh my goodness! First are they receiving enough sun? When you planted, what type of soil did you use? Enough water?

  • Treva Kirby Adams Treva Kirby Adams on May 30, 2017

    Check your plants for insects or for the signs of blight, then make sure your containers are draining properly. Jobe's makes a soil additive that contains potash, which may be helpful. Lowe's sells it - the bags are red& white, priced at $3.97 for the smallest size.

  • Pat Pat on May 30, 2017

    Check your soil for little tiny bugs with wings. They destroyed my plants last year. Also they need more sun, Can you put them outside?

  • Lise Lise on May 30, 2017

    More sun! I use Mater Magic (from the H Depot or WallyMart) every few weeks. I also added cleaned, ground up eggshells to the soil when I planted the tomatoes and add more around the base of the plant every 3 weeks. The shells break down and add calcium and the sharp shells deter some insects. Next year make sure to use a mix of garden soil with added worm castings, manure, Epsom salt and cinnamon.

  • Nancy Turner Nancy Turner on May 30, 2017

    Perhaps you should have planted them in separate pots, perhaps the one was healthier and won the battle for root space. It looks like it doesn't get much sun where it is at. Perhaps it needs to go to the other side of the wall to get more sun. I have a tomato in a pot just slightly bigger than that and it only gets three to four hours of sun, and lately none because it has been cloudy for almost the entire past two weeks, and it is full from bottom to top. Try putting it out and see if it will perk up. Do the amending and using the meter to check the moisture. Your plant still looks like it is fairly healthy. I also use granular sustained release fertilizer for tomatoes and vegetables on mine since it is in a pot and can't get nourishment from soil like when it is planted in the ground. Plants in pots need to be fed the things they don't get from the soil in the ground.

  • Stephanie Malinowski Stephanie Malinowski on Jun 03, 2017

    The pot is too big

  • Lori Lori on Jun 04, 2017

    I would think also not enough sun, they require at least 6 hours. Possibly too much nitrogen or too wet on bottom while dry on top. I would also check for signs of parasites. "Garden Soil" out of a bag still needs to be amended. I use peat moss as tomatoes here in Jersey love a little acid in the soil plus it makes the soil lighter and less chance to become compact in the pot