When bleeding hearts finish blooming should they be cut back?

by Debramaston
  3 answers
  • Sue Lilly Sue Lilly on Jun 18, 2017

    I've always cut mine once it's died down.

  • Elaine Elaine on Jun 18, 2017

    Once the plant starts turning yellow and dying back, yes, I trim mine back. However, don't do this to bulb plants (tulips, daffodils) as the dying leaves are sending nutrients to the bulb for next year's growth. I realize it looks messy but some devoted gardeners plant hostas (for example) in front of their bulb flowers because the hostas emerge around the same time the tulips, etc. are fading. Therefore, the yellowed decaying leaves are then hidden by the hostas.

  • Sga16178604 Sga16178604 on Jun 19, 2017

    Yes, after they have died