How much water is required for coconut trees?
Do I water my coconut trees twice daily? The trees are fully grown and now has a few nuts for the first time.
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Hi Sharon, here's some information:
Where do you live?( this is world wide site) - minimum 50-120 litres a day just depends as I asked where you live rain fall you get(they need 40-60 "s annually),on shoreline somewhere -you have higher humidity can you install drip lines would be best for contiunal slow watering 3-4 per tree recommended. Great info. on this site just past watering charts
Water them normally daily, but don't overwater it. It should not sit in water.
Best way is to touch the soil with your fingers, if you feEl soil is dry then water it, otherwise if you feel soil is wet or moist then do not water it.
Hi Sharon this link should assist you in how to care for your coconut tree
Keep in mind it takes a long time to bear coconuts, so it's crucial to care deeply for it right now.