How to fix my yard when one of my neighbors run over my front yard .

Charlene Myers
by Charlene Myers

Its deep on 1/2 of the yard. The manager knows about it but Im not buying grass seed n level out by yard. I didn't do it or any of my friends.

  3 answers
  • Laura Cooper Laura Cooper on Aug 16, 2018

    You can fill in soil on top. The grass underneath will eventually push through and fill in

  • Mandie Mandie on Aug 16, 2018

    I'm not a lawyer, but.. you may have to take them to small claims court. My dad had a similar experience a few years ago. They took out about 20 ft of wood fencing. Luckily another neighbor knew them and basically 'encouraged' them to pay for damages.

    But since you are the tenant, I'm not sure if you can take them to court over it. I would look into it because depending on the value of the damage is how you would be able to take them to court. Meaning, that here in California, it is like $20,000 (? Not sure on the value, it's been many years since I worked in the legal field.) For small claims and anything above would need a lawyer. I would check with your local Legal Help office.

    Also, if you took any pictures, make sure that you print them out and keep them safe.

    I hope I was able to help.

    • See 1 previous
    • Mandie Mandie on Aug 17, 2018

      Oh my. I didnt realize you were 72. Yeah. Hopefully you got a police report. Take pictures. Seek some legal advice. That is what I would do. My dad is your age and I had to take the pictures, for him. Luckily they came through and paid for damages.

  • Ros16410348 Ros16410348 on Aug 16, 2018

    You say you don't want to buy seed or level the damaged area. It sounds like you need to ask your neighbor and/or landlord to help. If you don't want to do that consider planting some fast growing shrubs. Forsythia is nice in the northeast and people often will give it away as it grows so thick!

    • Charlene Myers Charlene Myers on Aug 16, 2018

      Your right Im 72 n didn't want to do all the work. Shrubs might be a good idea. Thanks