Yay or Nay: open shelving in the kitchen?

One trend that's been gaining popularity lately is the use of open shelving for kitchen design.

So, what's your take on it? Are you ready to embrace this trend, or do you prefer the traditional closed cabinetry approach?

Share your thoughts and experiences with us!

What are your thoughts on the kitchen open shelving design trend?

  9 answers
  • Redcatcec Redcatcec on May 19, 2024

    I have open shelving in my kitchen, upper cabinets only, the bottoms still have doors so nothing on the floor gets into there. For the longest time I had doors on the uppers, we removed them and I love it, so much easier access.

  • Dee Dee on May 19, 2024

    I cannot stand open shelving. My friend did it and is so sorry. Everthing gets dusty and if you fry foods as she does, the dishes and glasses get greasy. Plus you have to make sure everything is tidy and neatly displayed.

  • It's definitely a stylish trend and always looks great. Unfortunately, it just isn't terribly practical as everything gets dirty. Key to the look's success is keeping it neat, tidy, and organized which seems a tad impractical as well. I personally don't like visual clutter and seeing all my stuff out but it is a great look.

  • Kathy Gunter Law Kathy Gunter Law on May 20, 2024

    I am a big NAY on that one. I even frosted my glass door because I don't want to see any clutter. My daughter is super neat and organized and her first house had a few open cabinets and she struggled with it.

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on May 20, 2024

    No, Will look messy in no time flat!

  • Betsy Betsy on May 21, 2024

    Hi Amy: I'm a fan of doors, they hide a variety of sins, like mismatched dishes, stuff just shoved into the cabinets, etc. ;) With open shelving, you have to keep things neat and can't cram them with various jars, boxes, cans and things you just don't want to see or have seen ;)

  • City City 4 days ago

    It's old trends in last two year before I make my Kitchen and keep adjustable shelves that I remove it easy

  • Janice Janice 4 days ago

    Hi Amy! It's a NAY for me and I've tried both (open shelving on all the top cabinets) and really do prefer having the traditional cabinetry with doors even though I do keep shelved items very neat and in order. I love the look in pics and design spaces I see on line but just not practical for me. Thanks for asking....it's interesting to see the responses and thoughts behind them. :)

  • Danielle Segev Danielle Segev 23 hours ago

    Not practical, so no open shelving in kitchen is my answer