Can I put granite tile over a builder grade marble fireplace surround?

I have a builder marble fire place and want to tile over the marble with a granite tile. The tile is not very thick, maybe 1/4" or so.
  5 answers
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Apr 28, 2016
    Yes it is possible with proper preparation. There was no direct link that I could find for you.If You choose google installing granite tile over marble and you will find
  • MN Mom MN Mom on Apr 28, 2016
    The professionals at the tile shop where you would be purchasing your tiles and supplies will most likely have suggestions for your installation. I haven't seen a smooth marble fireplace surround direct set / refaced with granite but I have seen it direct set onto a cement board facade built over existing marble.
  • William William on Apr 28, 2016
    If the marble tile is stable and has no cracks, you can tile over it. Clean the marble tile from any soot and grease. Use a sander and sand the marble tile to take the gloss out and roughen up the surface. Use a cement based thinset, put it on the marble, butter the back of the tile you are installing. Put the tile on the marble tile with a slight twist and tap with a rubber mallet to seat it. Marble is considered a "precious" stone, I don't know why anyone would want to replace or cover it.
    • Jill Purdy Gniadek Jill Purdy Gniadek on May 01, 2016
      @Thank You William. It is just an ugly cream color and has never matched anything in the room - I have always wanted to do something with it. It doesn't look like it would even be worth saving or reusing, and I would like to avoid a demo nightmare! @
  • Lizzy L Lizzy L on Apr 29, 2016
    What color marble is it? If it's white or grey, I'd keep it. If it's an out-dated color, I would do a stacked stone or quartz surround. If you really like granite, make sure it's a color that's timeless. So many granites look dated already.
    • See 1 previous
    • Lizzy L Lizzy L on May 01, 2016
      @Jill Purdy Gniadek Hummm, I'd have to see a picture of it. Black is very strong.
  • Louise Mullins Louise Mullins on Apr 30, 2016
    I live in Ecuador and there is a new mastic that allows you to tile over most any existing tile, etc. If they have it here I am sure they have it in the States.