I live in an apartment & am looking storage space ideas !

by Drolek
Only space available for storage in my apartment are the closets, and being a Senior on a budget need some ideas that are practical & budget friendly !!

  6 answers
  • An extra dresser for linens and stuff, they can all be junk drawers if that's what you need them to be. We've got a closet rod/bracket hanging on the wall in the boys room for extra "closet" space. There are plastic bins designed to fit right under the bed. Alternatively, you can put casters on loose drawers for underbed storage as well

  • Nancy Turner Nancy Turner on May 28, 2018

    Under bed boxes are great for storing clothes or small items or even shoes. The bags you vacuum down are great for storing seasonal clothes, extra bedding, towels, even pillows! You can put the on upper shelves in closets or under the bed. It helps to open up shelves in cupboards, closets and drawers where you can store other things. If you have floor space in your closets, you could get the plastic drawer systems to store some things in, or what I do, find a chest of drawers at a thrift shop or garage sale, paint it or do whatever it needs and it will hold a lot for you.

  • Cheryl Gillman Cheryl Gillman on May 28, 2018

    Kitchen and bathroom cupboards have LOTS of unused space, for cleaning bottles or extra soap bottles (or any bottles) that have a spraynozzle or similar, hang a tension rod in the cupboard and hang the bottles on.

    You can also get the cooling racks from the dollar store, get a pair of pliers and bend them almost in half then do another bend to bring it up in the front (not sure if I'm explaining it good, but basically so it makes like a pocket) then you can hang it inside cupboards to hold pot kids, food storage container lids.

    If you have lots of big winter blankets or bulky winter jackets, the vacuum seal bags (also available at the dollar store) are amazing for saving all kinds of space in your closets! Just fill them up and suck all the air out with a vacuum and it shrinks right down!!

    Something else I just came across if you don't have a lot of room on your walls to hanglike car keys etc, hang a picture frame (whatever you want in it for the picture, but instead of using nails, use 2 hinges on side then put little hooks behind it and the picture frame will hide the eye sore keys :) (just make sure the back of the picture doesn't rest flat against the wall)

    Under bed storage is also a great place just get some old dresser drawers and put wheels on them, or you can even find the storage tubs that are not quite as tall that have wheels

  • Cynthia H Cynthia H on May 28, 2018

    Here are some great ideas: https://www.pinterest.com/search/pins/?rs=ac&len=2&q=closet%20storage%20ideas%20for%20small%20spaces&eq=closet%20storage&etslf=12256&term_meta[]=closet%20storage%20ideas%20for%20small%20spaces%7Cautocomplete%7Cundefined

  • Jcraw Jcraw on May 28, 2018

    Re the underbed storage, you can raise your bed with bed risers for less than $20

    Makes the storage more accessible, and it might be easier to get in and out of bed.

    Clear vinyl over-door shoe bags are less than $15 at Bed Bath (+ coupon!). You can store cleaning products, shoes, jewelry, underwear, and anything you like. Clear means no mystery about what is where.

  • Diane Wickham Diane Wickham on May 28, 2018

    if you have room at the foot of your bed or in any other room, you could salvage and old trunk from a thrift store for storage